Danielle Steel, the queen of romance, reaches one billion books sold

Danielle Steel, the queen of romance, reaches one billion books sold

At just 19 years old, Danielle Steel (New York, 1947) had her first daughter, Beatrix, and completed her first novel, ‘Return Home’, about a divorced stylist who takes refuge in her hometown, New York, after discovering almost at the same time that her new love has made her pregnant and that she lies with another … Read more

Play Steam games on Tesla! Don’t buy PS5 and go straight to Tesla, Dianyu Renke and Elden’s Ring are up to you! | manfashion such a transfigured man

Play Steam games on Tesla!  Don’t buy PS5 and go straight to Tesla, Dianyu Renke and Elden’s Ring are up to you!  |  manfashion such a transfigured man

Tesla boss Elon Musk, who is a fan of the game, has said in the past that he will bring Steam, the world’s largest gaming platform, to Tesla electric vehicles. Now he really came true after Tesla announced the update of the entertainment system in the car! Play thousands of Steam games on Tesla cars … Read more