“I’m not a virgin.” Surprising confessions of mother’s killer with the help of her lover in Egypt

“I’m not a virgin.”  Surprising confessions of mother’s killer with the help of her lover in Egypt

Al-Marsad newspaper: Egyptian media published part of the confessions of the accused of killing her mother after catching her with a young man inside the house alone in Port Said, where she showed her significant participation in the crime. The defendant’s confessions came before the investigating authorities, that “her boyfriend asked her for the knife … Read more

Nusron Wahid said Gibran objected to his photo being on the NU Porseni billboard

Nusron Wahid said Gibran objected to his photo being on the NU Porseni billboard

Jakarta – PBNU Vice President Nusron Wahid said the mayor of Solo Gibran Rakabuming Raka his objection was on the billboard for NU Week of Sports and Arts (Porseni). Nusron said Gibran objected to him during a meeting at Solo City Hall. Reported detik JatengOn Monday (12/19/2022), Nusron said he came to ask for permission … Read more

You won’t believe what will happen to your body when you eat fenugreek every day! • Journal of the Observatory

You won’t believe what will happen to your body when you eat fenugreek every day!  • Journal of the Observatory

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Fenugreek is a source of a number of minerals important for heart function and blood pressure maintenance, such as potassium, which is an important building block for maintaining heart rate and controlling blood pressure. On the health benefits of fenugreek: 1. Controlling sugar levels: A group of studies on patients with type 2 … Read more