North Rhine-Westphalia – Opera houses call for early resumption – culture

North Rhine-Westphalia – Opera houses call for early resumption – culture

Opera houses from North Rhine-Westphalia are demanding an early one Resumption of the imagination. Politicians should draw up “a realistic and speedy timetable” and “enter into a direct and constructive dialogue with the cultural sector”. The aim of this dialogue must be “to introduce the show as soon as possible, however from September 1, 2020 … Read more

Cologne case raises new doubts about the ghost game scenario

Cologne case raises new doubts about the ghost game scenario

Frankfurt / Main / Cologne (dpa) – After the case of 1. FC Köln with three people who tested positive for the corona virus, new doubts have arisen about the Bundesliga ghost game plan. There is primarily debate about the quarantine rule for football professionals. In addition, Cologne midfielder Birger Verstraete was the first player … Read more

Trials – Mönchengladbach – Bergisch Gladbach abuse complex: First trial begins – Panorama

Trials – Mönchengladbach – Bergisch Gladbach abuse complex: First trial begins – Panorama

Mönchengladbach (dpa / lnw) – In the Bergisch Gladbach abuse complex, the first nationwide trial against two accused begins before the Mönchengladbach District Court. The 39-year-old men from Krefeld and Viersen are accused of sexual abuse of children in 79 cases. In some cases, they are said to have passed away together on the children, … Read more

Armin Laschet on the corona exit: “As popular as never before”

Armin Laschet on the corona exit: “As popular as never before”

WORLD: Mr. Laschet, are we building a redistribution and nationalization republic here with the spending of tens of billions? Armin Laschet: If the state almost completely paralyzes public and economic life due to a pandemic, then the state must also have concepts to start it up again. And now it is important to keep the … Read more

City gets around driving bans

City gets around driving bans

There will be no driving ban for older diesel vehicles in Wuppertal. The state of North Rhine-Westphalia and German Environmental Aid agreed on this. After numerous cities in North Rhine-Westphalia, Wuppertal is also getting around an impending driving ban for, among other things, older diesel vehicles. However, in the fight against high nitrogen dioxide levels, … Read more

Here are most of the infected – over 5,000 dead

Here are most of the infected – over 5,000 dead

In Germany there are now more than 5.000 positively tested people died – and there is also a new high among the infected. An overview of the current figures. The Corona virus spreads further in Germany. How this happens and how the numbers of infected people are distributed across the federal states can be seen … Read more

Over 4,600 dead, more than 145,000 infected

Over 4,600 dead, more than 145,000 infected

In Germany there are now more than 4.600 positively tested people died – and there is also a new high among the infected. An overview of the current figures. The Corona virus spreads further in Germany. How this happens and how the numbers of infected people are distributed across the federal states can be seen … Read more

Loosening – that changes from today

Loosening – that changes from today

After weeks of standstill, public life in Germany is slowly starting up again today: Certain shops and schools are allowed to open again. New pants, a new book against boredom at home or a gift for parents that you shouldn’t visit – for weeks, millions of people have been waiting to go shopping again. As … Read more

Here are most of the infected – over 4,000 dead

Here are most of the infected – over 4,000 dead

There are now more than 4.0 in Germany00 positively tested people died – and there is also a new high among the infected. An overview of the current figures. The Corona virus spreads further in Germany. How this happens and how the numbers of infected people are distributed across the federal states can be seen … Read more