Another quarrel over the construction of a nitrogen plant: ‘They just don’t like each other anymore’ (update)

Another quarrel over the construction of a nitrogen plant: ‘They just don’t like each other anymore’ (update)

Officially, there are no further construction delays, Gasunie says. “Work still stopped between Christmas and New Years,” says Gregoire. According to Gasunie there are therefore no consequences on the energy situation. ‘No, this has no consequences and certainly not for gas extraction in the Groningen field,’ Gregoire assures. «But the factory has an important function … Read more

Core i9-13900K overclocked to over 9.0GHz | Hardware

Core i9-13900K overclocked to over 9.0GHz |  Hardware

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Farmers protest: Council wants to postpone deadline • More than 200 farmers follow the debate

Farmers protest: Council wants to postpone deadline • More than 200 farmers follow the debate

Party for the Animals MEP Anne-Miep Vlasveld notes that farmers above all want clarity. You believe it is unfair that the CDA ‘proves’ that it already has a deadline (that of January 1, 2022). “By continuing to move the date, the CDA contributes to that lack of clarity. Farmers then don’t know where they stand. … Read more

Tonight’s meteor shower glows yellow and green, why?

Tonight’s meteor shower glows yellow and green, why?

Jakarta – meteor showerGeminid takes place from December 3 to 20, 2022. This meteor shower can be observed across Indonesia from December 8, 2022 at 20:15 local time (depending on the area) until it vanishes in the northwest before the ‘Sunrise. This celestial phenomenon in late 2022 is somewhat unique. This is because the glow … Read more