Discovery of PLCγ1 Protein and its Role in Regulating Dopamine Secretion

Discovery of PLCγ1 Protein and its Role in Regulating Dopamine Secretion

▲When PLCγ1 protein expression was suppressed, dopamine secretion increased (Photo = UNIST) A domestic research team discovered a protein that regulates dopamine secretion, opening the way to treating brain diseases caused by abnormal secretion of dopamine, such as depression and hyperactivity. On the 14th, Professor Kim Jae-ik’s research team in the Department of Life Sciences … Read more

Singapore’s Effective Mosquito Control Measures and Low Incidence of Dengue Fever

Singapore’s Effective Mosquito Control Measures and Low Incidence of Dengue Fever

▲Singapore’s coastal residential complex (Photo = Unsplash) There is a saying that mosquitoes in autumn are more poisonous. Although it is the threshold of autumn, mosquitoes are still rampant. As mosquito populations increase worldwide due to global warming, mosquito-borne infectious diseases such as malaria and dengue fever are also on the rise. However, among Southeast … Read more

Climate Change Expands Mosquito Habitat and Disease Transmission: An Urgent Concern

Climate Change Expands Mosquito Habitat and Disease Transmission: An Urgent Concern

Climate change has tripled the habitat of mosquitoes in the past 10 years, and the area where mosquitoes carry diseases such as malaria and dengue fever is expanding. Climate Central, a non-profit climate research organization, surveyed data from about 250 locations in the United States over the past 40 years and found that more than … Read more

“Importance of Urban Beekeeping for Honey Bee Ecosystem Preservation”

“Importance of Urban Beekeeping for Honey Bee Ecosystem Preservation”

Professor Suh Gyeong-deok of Sungshin Women’s University released a video to publicize the importance of ‘urban beekeeping’ to preserve the honey bee ecosystem on May 20th, ‘World Bee Day’. On the 19th, Professor Seo announced that he and actress Kim Hyo-jin had released a multilingual video called ‘For the Bees’ online. The video emphasizes the … Read more