The Impact of Recession on the Czech Industrial Production, with a Focus on the Automotive Sector

The Impact of Recession on the Czech Industrial Production, with a Focus on the Automotive Sector

Tuzemský průmysl prochází ⁣recesí, kterou mírně pouze silná výroba automobilů. Tuto skutečnost potvrdili analytici,⁢ které oslovila tisková kancelář (TK). Pokles zakázek naznačuje, že ve druhé polovině roku může dojít ​k poklesu výroby. Meziroční růst‍ průmyslové‌ výroby v České republice v červnu zpomalil⁤ na ⁤0,9 procenta z květnových 1,4 procenta, oznámil v ‍pondělí Český‍ statistický úřad. … Read more

Net4Gas Owners Seek Sale Amid Financial Challenges and Decreasing Demand

Net4Gas Owners Seek Sale Amid Financial Challenges and Decreasing Demand

Net4Gas, ⁣a​ company that operates ⁣a gas pipeline ‍in the Czech Republic spanning nearly four thousand kilometers,⁢ is⁢ facing financial difficulties. The owners of the company, Allianz⁢ Infrastructure and Borealis Novus Parent, have‍ been looking⁣ to sell the company for several months. ⁤However, due to ⁤high levels of debt and a decline in demand,⁤ they … Read more

MG Model ZS: A Popular SUV in the Czech Market with Competitive Pricing

MG Model ZS: A Popular SUV in the Czech Market with Competitive Pricing

MG’s ‌ZS Model Gaining Popularity in the​ Czech Republic The MG ‌ZS, originally a British brand but now under Chinese ownership, has become popular‍ among private ⁤customers‍ in⁢ the Czech Republic.⁢ The SUV is winning over customers with ⁢its competitive price. About ten years ago, ⁤the Czech and European car market experienced the Romanian ride … Read more

MG Model ZS: A Popular and Affordable SUV in the Czech Republic

MG Model ZS: A Popular and Affordable SUV in the Czech Republic

MG’s ZS model, originally‌ a British brand but now a Chinese brand, is popular among​ private ‌customers in ​the Czech Republic. The SUV is ⁣gaining popularity due to its competitive‍ price. Approximately ‍ten years ago, the Czech and European car market experienced the‍ Romanian ride‍ with Dacia’s successful model,‍ the Duster. The SUV stood out … Read more

Beware of Online Scammers Impersonating Lidl and Misleading People for Money

Beware of Online Scammers Impersonating Lidl and Misleading People for Money

Podvodníci zneužívají jména ⁤známých obchodních řetězců,⁢ jako je Lidl, Tesco nebo Kaufland, a podvodnými ⁣e-maily okrádají lidi o ‍peníze. V letních měsících se tato forma podvodů stala velmi populární. Podvodníci⁣ využívají různé triky, aby nalákali lidi k účasti ve fiktivních soutěžích nebo ​získání hodnotných dárků, ⁢které údajně⁣ vyhráli. V podvodných e-mailech se zpravidla nachází odkazy, … Read more

Netflix: Streaming Service Gains Millions of New Viewers Despite Password Sharing Concerns

Netflix: Streaming Service Gains Millions of New Viewers Despite Password Sharing Concerns

Title: Netflix⁣ Gains Unexpected ‌Surge in‍ New Subscribers Despite Password Sharing Concerns Date: July 21, 2023 In recent ‌months,‌ Netflix ​has ​faced criticism for ‌its lenient approach towards password sharing among its users. Many viewers have taken‍ advantage of this loophole‍ by sharing their account credentials with‍ family members or friends. However, the allure of‌ … Read more

Podnikatel Vladimír Kovář a ztráta miliard – Problémy e-shopu a sporná zodpovědnost skupiny firem

Podnikatel Vladimír Kovář a ztráta miliard – Problémy e-shopu a sporná zodpovědnost skupiny firem

Podnikatel‌ Vladimír Kovář se ‍brání tvrzením, že jeho skupina ​firem nenese žádnou ⁤zodpovědnost ‌za ⁢problémy ​e-shopu⁤ Tato​ reakce⁢ přichází ⁣v souvislosti s‌ bojem o⁣ více⁤ než čtyři ‍miliardy korun, které se ⁢ztratily⁢ v byznysu ‌s pronájmem iPhonů prostřednictvím tohoto e-shopu. Kovář ⁤tvrdí, že jeho skupina nemá ​nic společného‌ s krachem e-shopu a nenese za … Read more

Nasdaq 100 Index to Undergo Special Rebalancing to Limit Influence of Large Companies

Nasdaq 100 Index to Undergo Special Rebalancing to Limit Influence of Large Companies

Nasdaq Announces Special Rebalancing of Nasdaq 100 Index July 7, 2023 – Nasdaq has announced that it will conduct a special rebalancing of the Nasdaq 100 index, which will come into effect before the market opens on July 24. The move aims to limit the influence of large companies, with the three largest companies currently … Read more

Agrofert’s Chemika SKW Piesteritz achieves record profits despite high gas prices

Agrofert’s Chemika SKW Piesteritz achieves record profits despite high gas prices

Agrofert, the Czech chemical and food conglomerate, has reported record-breaking profits for the year 2022. The company, which includes the chemical plant Chemika SKW Piesteritz, has historically been one of Agrofert’s most profitable branches. However, in the past, high gas prices have caused the plant to suffer losses. Last year, Agrofert’s CEO Zbynk Pra predicted … Read more