6 inexpensive foods to boost your immune system

6 inexpensive foods to boost your immune system

The topic of a strong immune system is becoming more relevant day by day: this year we have to fear not only standard flu and colds, but also coronavirus. It is the strengthening of the protective functions of the body that will help us maintain health and not get sick. What kind inexpensive products can … Read more

Doctors have named vitamins that will help to survive the winter

Doctors have named vitamins that will help to survive the winter

The doctors told us what vitamins should be taken in the autumn-winter period in order to survive the winter without colds and viral diseases. The most important vitamin in winter is vitamin D. According to the doctors, fat-soluble vitamin D is necessary not only for raising immunity, but also for a good mood. As you … Read more

Eat & Lose Weight: Named 10 Fat Burners

Eat & Lose Weight: Named 10 Fat Burners

Nutritionists have named 10 foods that help you lose weight. Natural fat burners will help you maintain your figure without the excruciating feeling of hunger. Hot peppers. It contains the substance capsaicin, which stimulates the metabolism, makes the stomach and intestines work more actively, which accelerates the consumption of adipose tissue in the body. Dried … Read more

Doctors have named an unusual sign of diabetes, which many do not notice

Doctors have named an unusual sign of diabetes, which many do not notice

Doctors talked about a symptom that may indicate the development of type 2 diabetes. According to scientists, this “invisible” sign plays a cruel joke with people, because it is simply ignored. And the later you start treatment, the worse for the body. If the patient does not come to the hospital on time, then his … Read more

5 foods you need to eat so as not to get sick in the fall

5 foods you need to eat so as not to get sick in the fall

Nutritionists have named foods that must be included in the diet in the fall. The list includes citrus fruits, herbs, yogurt, peppers and green tea. Citrus fruits such as oranges or grapefruit are rich in vitamin C, which is well known for its immune-boosting properties. Adults should get 75 mg of vitamin C every day. … Read more

What will happen to the body if there is garlic every day

What will happen to the body if there is garlic every day

Garlic is rich in antioxidants that remove toxins and free radicals from the body. Garlic is a natural antiseptic that promotes rapid recovery from colds. In addition, garlic contains a substance called allicin, which is effective against dangerous microorganisms. The benefits of consuming garlic regularly are obvious. If you eat garlic every day, your body … Read more

news, scientists, research, symptoms, coronavirus, covid-19, 2019-ncov, coronavirus covid-19

news, scientists, research, symptoms, coronavirus, covid-19, 2019-ncov, coronavirus covid-19

The main symptoms of coronavirus infection are fever, dry porridge and anosmia. However, many infected people carry the disease asymptomatically. And in some patients, COVID-19 manifests itself in an unexpected form. Scientists spoke about one of these signs, foreign media reported. So, the researchers concluded that a new type of coronavirus can infect toes. A … Read more