Command Russian mercenary army on a collision course with the Kremlin

ANP On Wednesday, February 22, the day after President Vladimir Putin’s big speech, a shocking photo was shared in a Telegram channel of the Russian paramilitary Wagner group. The photo shows dozens of bodies, side by side on the ground, some still in their combat uniforms, others naked, all badly battered. These are all Wagner … Read more

Gambia deal can be a breakthrough in the migration discussion, Germany hopes

AFP Gambian refugees on the Greek island of Lesbos Saskia Dekkers correspondent Europa Saskia Dekkers correspondent Europa It is the elephant in the European chamber: only twenty percent of all asylum seekers in the EU that have exhausted all legal remedies are returned to their country of origin. The remaining people, eighty percent, roam the … Read more

‘Shell sees record profit as encouragement to stay fossil as long as possible’

Nico Garstman Shell is investing around three billion euros in green energy projects this year. At the same time, the energy company posted a record profit of almost 40 billion euros and claims to be embracing the energy transition. How serious is the oil company with the switch to sustainable energy generation? Why isn’t it … Read more

‘Europe must remain involved in UN mission Mali’

ANP European countries are turning away from the UN mission in Mali, but it is important that Europe remains involved in the country. So says Lieutenant General Kees Matthijssen, who until recently led the military component of the UN mission in Mali. “It is good to realize that the humanitarian situation is rapidly deteriorating,” says … Read more

At current gas prices, the price cap costs ‘only’ 4.7 billion

NO If gas prices remain at current levels, the cost of the energy cap will be billions lower than expected. The cabinet will therefore lose 4.7 billion euros, reports the Central Planning Bureau (CPB). News time. This amount is significantly less than the tens of billions that the emergency measure would cost in a very … Read more

Ajit came to Egypt for a climate protest, but the police arrested him

Ajit Rajagopal Egypt hosts the 27th UN Climate Change Summit, but protest against activists for more climate action. According to the human rights organization Amnesty International, hundreds of activists have been arrested in the past two weeks on suspicion of calling for demonstrations at the climate conference. This is while demonstrators are welcome on paper … Read more

These are the consequences for the Netherlands if the sea rises 2 or 5 meters

ANP Breaches of dikes, Wadden in promenade and marshes in the west of the country. A group of scientists studied how the Netherlands changes if the sea level rises by 2 or 5 meters. They call the results “troubling”. “Sea level rise can also affect the east of the country, through rivers,” says river and … Read more

“Half of Ukraine’s energy grid is down, but Europe can help”

ANP Power plants, gas pipelines and nuclear power plants have been increasingly targeted by Russian attacks in recent weeks, as winter approaches. While about 34 attacks were reported between February and September, cruise missiles and kamikaze drones across the country have rained almost every day since the beginning of this month. At least two hundred … Read more