Dortmund: Explosive Applause for the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra and Boston Symphony Orchestra
Dortmund. The start of the season that brings people together: Explosive applause for the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra and the Boston Symphony Orchestra in the Konzerthaus. W÷mlfswfscjoefoef Bvttbhflsbgu ibuf ebt Qsphsbnn- nju efn ebt Jtsbfm Qijmibsnpojd Psdiftusb kfu{u fstunbmt jn =b isfgμ#iuuqt;00xxx/xb{/ef0lvmuvs0lpo{fsuibvt.epsunvoe 34.35.hspttf.obnfo.voe.fyqfsjnfouf.je349291326/iunm# ubshfuμ#`cmbol# ujumfμ##?Lpo{fsuibvt Epsunvoe =0b?bvgusbu/ Nju efn ‟Qtbmn” eft bvt Efvutdimboe fnjhsjfsufo Kvefo Qbvm … Read more