More than 2 thousand people hospitalized in NY by Covid-19

More than 2 thousand people hospitalized in NY by Covid-19

More than 2,000 people are now hospitalized due to COVID-19 in New York State, a number not seen since the spring, Governor Andrew Cuomo’s office revealed Tuesday. Positive COVID-19 cases also continued to rise as the state and the rest of the country experienced a resurgence of the pandemic that had slowed over the summer … Read more

NYC Faces Increase in Infections Citywide

NYC Faces Increase in Infections Citywide

The rate of Covid-19 infections is 2.74% in the state and 2.57% in the city. But the possibility of it reaching 3%, leading to school closings and other restrictions, is generating concern. We have the report, live from the Mount Hope sector in the Bronx, with the details. Visit the NY1 News page with our … Read more

When will the coronavirus vaccine arrive in New York?

When will the coronavirus vaccine arrive in New York?

Governor Cuomo reiterated, for the second day in a row, that he does not trust the federal government’s ability to distribute a vaccine against Covid-19. In a conference call to the media, Cuomo indicated that the federal government is not prepared to do so and believes that the same mistake that was made at the … Read more

there will be a vaccine soon; will not be shipped to NY by Cuomo

there will be a vaccine soon;  will not be shipped to NY by Cuomo

President Donald Trump said Friday that he would delay shipping a COVID-19 vaccine to New York state that is supposed to be approved in the coming weeks, until Governor Andrew Cuomo accepts it. “We will not deliver it to New York until we have authorization to do so and it pains me to say so,” … Read more

More Covid-19 Testing for Neighbors in Jackson Heights

More Covid-19 Testing for Neighbors in Jackson Heights

Before arriving at the testing center for Covid-19, Martha Sánchez and Ginger López, official representatives of the Testing and Tracking Brigade, toured 34 avenue to encourage residents to take this medical test. Martha Sánchez herself talks about the importance of her work: “Bringing information to the community that it is very important to get tested … Read more

What will NYC do to resist a second wave of coronavirus?

What will NYC do to resist a second wave of coronavirus?

“What we need is financial relief. We need to tax billionaires so we can help small businesses,” said Queens State Sen. Jessica Ramos. This was the reaction of local politicians to the governor’s ordinance that will close gyms and restaurants on a curfew from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m., across the state. This initiative began … Read more

Concern in Upper Manhattan due to increase in Covid-19 cases

Concern in Upper Manhattan due to increase in Covid-19 cases

Concern in Upper Manhattan at the increase in the number of positive cases of Covid-19. “Because there is too much fun, around here people have too much fun, the restaurants are very full, so there is no precaution. That is why we are like this,” said a neighbor. According to the latest statistics on positive … Read more

Food stalls to reopen on New York beaches and lakes

Food stalls to reopen on New York beaches and lakes

This Sunday the food stalls will be able to reopen on the beaches and lakes of the state. Governor Cuomo said he made the decision after consulting with the State Department of Health. He assured that it is fair since they operate outdoors and that similar businesses are already open. Some of the positions that … Read more

New York must avoid second wave of infections

New York must avoid second wave of infections

At a press conference, the mayor of New York, Bill de Blasio, congratulated the president and vice president-elect and talked about what this victory will bring to New York. He noted that the rate of Covid-19 cases continues to rise, representing a dangerous situation for the city’s public health. He reiterated that New Yorkers have … Read more

is the county with the most infections in New York

is the county with the most infections in New York

Staten Island now has the highest coronavirus positivity rate of the five counties. On Thursday, Staten Island had an average positive case rate of 3.5%, followed by The Bronx with 2.2%. Both Brooklyn and Queens are at 2%, while Manhattan has the lowest level at just 1%. Statewide, the positivity rate is approximately 2%. On … Read more