Colors of the homeland Its temperature is 2400 … the discovery of a strange planet … its sky is raining iron

Colors of the homeland Its temperature is 2400 … the discovery of a strange planet … its sky is raining iron

Scientists have detected a strange planet 390 light-years from EarthSo hot, that its sky is raining iron. The daytime temperatures in this distant planet rise above 2400 ° C, which is high enough to dissolve minerals, and the winds traveling hundreds of miles per hour carry the particles of dissolved minerals to the cold night … Read more

New planet discovered next to the closest star to the Sun

New planet discovered next to the closest star to the Sun

Madrid Spain. At the moment they are only “clues”, but an international team of scientists has detected the existence of a second planet around the star closest to Solar system (“Next Centauri“), which would make this exoplanet en a priority objective for space missions Present and future. The new generation instrumentation with which observation systems … Read more

NASA observes a new planet the size of Earth and the “Spitzer” telescope confirms the discovery

NASA observes a new planet the size of Earth and the “Spitzer” telescope confirms the discovery

The US space agency “NASA” has announced that its satellite, “Tess”, which is chasing the planets, has detected a new planet the size of the Earth, in which water may be available because it is located not far from it and not near its star. And called the planet “TOI 700D”, which is relatively close … Read more