Lebanon’s Hezbollah says it will use “appropriate weapons” to force Israeli military planes to withdraw from Lebanese airspace

Lebanon’s Hezbollah says it will use “appropriate weapons” to force Israeli military planes to withdraw from Lebanese airspace

22:42[Thuirt Lebanon Hezbollah gun do chleachd iad “armachd iomchaidh” gus toirt air itealain armachd Israel a tharraing air ais bho raon-adhair Lebanon]On September 25, local time, Lebanon’s Hezbollah announced that its air defense forces used “appropriate weapons” to force Israeli military aircraft to withdraw from Lebanon. airspace. The incident is reported to have taken place … Read more

UNIFIL: Escalation of conflict between Lebanon and Israel could lead to “devastating” consequences.

UNIFIL: Escalation of conflict between Lebanon and Israel could lead to “devastating” consequences.

01:18[UNIFIL: Dh’ fhaodadh àrdachadh ann an còmhstri Lebanon-Israel leantainn gu builean “sgriosail”]On the 23rd local time, the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon warned that a further escalation of the conflict between Israel and Lebanon could lead to “devastating” consequences. , not only for Lebanon. (CCTV News) report #UNIFIL #Escalation #conflict #Lebanon #Israel #lead #devastating … Read more

Preliminary vote count shows Sri Lanka’s National People’s Power Party leader Dissanayake winning the presidential election

Preliminary vote count shows Sri Lanka’s National People’s Power Party leader Dissanayake winning the presidential election

21:57[Tha toraidhean cunntaidh bhòt tòiseachaidh a’ sealltainn gun do bhuannaich Dissanayake, ceannard Pàrtaidh Cumhachd Nàiseanta an t-Sluaigh ann an Sri Lanka, an taghadh ceann-suidhe]Preliminary count results announced by the Sri Lanka Election Commission on the 22nd showed that Dissanayake, the leader of the National People’s Power. The party in Sri Lanka won the presidential election … Read more

About 100 Israeli fighter jets hit thousands of Hezbollah rocket launchers in Lebanon

About 100 Israeli fighter jets hit thousands of Hezbollah rocket launchers in Lebanon

13:37[Thug timcheall air 100 itealain sabaid Israel ionnsaigh air na mìltean de lannsaichean rocaid de Lebanon Hezbollah]On the 25th local time, the Israel Defense Forces said that Lebanon’s Hezbollah planned to launch rockets into central Israel, but the Israeli army launched a pre-emptive attack on southern Lebanon this morning. The Israel Defense Forces also said … Read more

This round of Palestinian-Israeli conflict has killed 40,334 people in the Gaza Strip

This round of Palestinian-Israeli conflict has killed 40,334 people in the Gaza Strip

19:25[Tha a’ chuairt seo de chòmhstri Palestine-Israel air 40,334 neach a mharbhadh ann an Strì Gaza]On the 24th local time, the health department of the Gaza Strip issued a statement saying that 69 deaths occurred in the past 24 hours due to Israeli military operations in the Gaza Strip. and 212 injuries. Since a new … Read more

Russian President Vladimir Putin: Ukraine is trying to gain leverage in negotiations by attacking Kursk

Russian President Vladimir Putin: Ukraine is trying to gain leverage in negotiations by attacking Kursk

20:18[Ceann-suidhe na Ruis Putin: Tha an Úcráin a’ feuchainn ri luamhan fhaighinn ann an còmhraidhean le bhith a’ toirt ionnsaigh air Kursk]On the 12th local time, Russian President Putin held a meeting on the security situation in Kursk Oblast. Putin said that Ukraine was trying to gain more leverage in negotiations by launching an offensive … Read more

The number of victims in the Brazilian passenger plane crash has been revised again to 62

The number of victims in the Brazilian passenger plane crash has been revised again to 62

21:49[Chaidh an àireamh de luchd-fulaing tubaist plèana luchd-siubhail Brazilach ath-sgrùdadh a-rithist gu 62]On the morning of August 10, local time, according to the latest announcement by Vopas Airlines, the airline that crashed the passenger plane in the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil, the airline again updated the number and the list of victims of the … Read more