National Museum of History celebrates 80 years with book presentation

National Museum of History celebrates 80 years with book presentation

The National Museum of History (MNH), located in the emblematic Chapultepec Castle, celebrated eight decades of life this Friday with the presentation of the book 80 years, 80 pieces (1944-2024)a work that summarizes the splendor of its vast collection. The Siqueiros room was the setting where this commemorative event took place, led by Salvador Rueda … Read more

[Dealbhan meallta air an cur suas leis an riaghaltas agus air an leigeil ma sgaoil 1]National History Museum hosts fake painting group exhibition for third time scares finance and technology chiefs – Mirror Media

[Dealbhan meallta air an cur suas leis an riaghaltas agus air an leigeil ma sgaoil 1]National History Museum hosts fake painting group exhibition for third time scares finance and technology chiefs – Mirror Media

2024.09.23 05:28 Taipei time current events At the end of last month, this magazine revealed that a fake painting syndicate had created a work by the late French painter Sanyu, and used the Taiwan Archives of the National History Museum to stage an exhibition of the works. to clean, to really empty them. and they … Read more