Luis Juez: “The employee doesn’t break a sidewalk, nor throw tiles at a patrol automotive” – Notes – Radioinforme 3

Luis Juez: “The employee doesn’t break a sidewalk, nor throw tiles at a patrol automotive” – Notes – Radioinforme 3

In an interview with Cadena 3, Senator Luis Juez harshly criticized the violent protesters who prompted chaos through the Senate session. “Criminals are criminals,” he said and condemned those that attempt to “change, intimidate, twist the future of a legislation.” In accordance with the senator, these people don’t characterize reliable staff. “The employee doesn’t struggle. … Read more

Honduran National Congress Approves Budget Expansion for UNAG and Credit Agreements

Honduran National Congress Approves Budget Expansion for UNAG and Credit Agreements

Tegucigalpa, Honduras.- The different groups represented in the National Congress, this Wednesday night, approved the expansion of the budget for the National University of Agriculture (UNAG), loans and credit agreements. In a session that began three and a half hours late, they approved the second opinion of the night, which includes a loan with the … Read more

They call for marches in front of Congress during the opening of sessions that Milei will lead | For and against

They call for marches in front of Congress during the opening of sessions that Milei will lead |  For and against

This Friday night, the Congress it will be scene of demonstrations for and against President Javier Mileiwhat At 9 p.m. he will open the 142nd period of ordinary sessions with a speech in which he will outline the objectives of his Government. It will be the first time that the president speaks to the legislators … Read more

The national and city governments claim for destruction, damages and expenses during the demonstration against the ‘Omnibus Law’

The national and city governments claim for destruction, damages and expenses during the demonstration against the ‘Omnibus Law’

He National government and that of the Ciudad of Buenos Aires advance in research for destruction during the demonstration against the project ‘Omnibus Law’. In this sense, the Buenos Aires criminal and contravention prosecutor Tomas Vacarezza asked the City Police a detailed report on protesters who destroyed sidewalks and damaged public property around the multi-day … Read more

«Omnibus Law»: provincial ministers meet with Guillermo Francos

«Omnibus Law»: provincial ministers meet with Guillermo Francos

One day after the treaty of the “Omnibus Law” in Congresslos provincial ministers of Infrastructure, Energy, Production and Public Works will give the present in a meeting of complaints in front of the Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos. Among the officials who will participate in the meeting are the vice governor of Santa Fe, … Read more

Officials and opponents clashed over government loans

Officials and opponents clashed over government loans

By Jessica Soriano SANTO DOMINGO.- Official legislators justified the more than 1.4 billion dollars approved this Wednesday between both chambers of the National Congress for the construction of State works, improving energy efficiency and for disaster risk management. However, for the opposition, the loans are nothing more than a “deadly blow” for the Dominican people, … Read more

Han Kuo-yu’s Participation in National Congress Sparks Discussion: Will Han Fans Support Hou Youyi?

Han Kuo-yu’s Participation in National Congress Sparks Discussion: Will Han Fans Support Hou Youyi?

Han nodded to attend the National Congress, Han fans will return to the team to support Hou Youyi? ! According to the latest poll, 60% of netizens expressed their opinion. (Picture / Information photo of this newspaper) The former mayor of Kaohsiung City, Han Kuo-yu, recently stated that he will participate in the National Congress … Read more