Bradley Cooper teaches Guillermo Del Toro

Bradley Cooper teaches Guillermo Del Toro

If there is something you can’t deny Bradley Cooper He is a man full of charisma, and he demonstrated this yesterday when he captivated 10 thousand scholarship students who met in Mexico Siglo XXI and packed the National Auditorium, where the actor and producer, in addition to giving them some advice and sharing anecdotes, did … Read more

Posthumous tribute to Victor Urban Velasco to be paid at the National Auditorium

Posthumous tribute to Victor Urban Velasco to be paid at the National Auditorium

A grand concert, the release of four remastered albums, as well as the publication of a book about Miguel Bernal Jiménez, are the central points of the posthumous tribute that the National Auditorium will pay to the organist and composer Víctor Urbán Velasco (1934-2024), who died on May 18 at the age of 90, his … Read more

Ana Gabriel makes an explosion of emotions in the Auditorium –

Ana Gabriel makes an explosion of emotions in the Auditorium –

Tears and laughter, singing and celebration, sadness and joy, was what Ana Gabriel gave in her concert and gave a twist to her songs, to the emotional nature of her lyrics, to the passion of her interpretation. In the first of her five dates at the National Auditorium, with the Un Deseo Más tour, the … Read more