Mérida Theatre Festival: ‘Medusa’ the myth reinvented in blood and power

Mérida Theatre Festival: ‘Medusa’ the myth reinvented in blood and power

Under a Red represents blood and gold represents power.he Oracle is in charge of starting ‘Medusa’. With his imposing voice resonating among the piedras The staging of this work, in which the monument is configured as a key element of the scenery, began yesterday at the Roman Theatre of Mérida. José María del Castillo is … Read more

Actions speak instead of words

Actions speak instead of words

Among the countless adaptations of Leo Tolstoy’s classic, this adaptation occupies a special place, telling the well-known story through actions rather than words. Light and shadow are present at the same time in Anna brought to life by Efrat Ben-Tzur. Photo: Alexander Khanin In the seemingly gloomy and dark world full of shadows, the light … Read more

Mr. Owl warns people in their fifties: “Bowel cancer is not a myth”

Mr. Owl warns people in their fifties: “Bowel cancer is not a myth”

Colon cancer The non-profit organization Stop Bowel Cancer has Mister de Owl from the children’s program De Fabeltjeskrant calling on people in their fifties to be tested against bowel cancer. Children who watched the program in the 1970s are today at an age that puts them in the risk group. It is no coincidence that … Read more

7 Aging Myths Debunked: How to Stay Healthy as You Grow Older

7 Aging Myths Debunked: How to Stay Healthy as You Grow Older

Since birth, our age has only increased. As we enter middle age, we may feel that our physical strength is not as good as before, and various diseases may even emerge one after another. Many people regard it as an inevitable part of aging, but physical deterioration in old age is not inevitable. The most … Read more

Debunking Common Myths About Virility and Stamina

Debunking Common Myths About Virility and Stamina

Entered 2023.11.02 18:30 Views 29 Entered 2023.11.02 18:30 Modified 2023.11.02 09:45 Views 29 Among those who eat anything that is good for ‘energy’, there are many who follow popular myths in the private sector. [사진=클립아트코리아] Among people who eat anything that is good for their ‘spirit’, there are many cases where they follow popular myths … Read more

A Dangerous Object Approaches: Bennu Asteroid Poses Threat to Earth

A Dangerous Object Approaches: Bennu Asteroid Poses Threat to Earth

The celestial body that falls to the earth may be the object of people’s wishes, or it may be destruction. (Illustration/Image source: Adobe Stock) It is forbidden to establish mirror websites on Chinese websites. most likely to hit the earthasteroidAmong them, one is named after Egyptmythof”Bennubird”,NASADetectors were sent above to collect samples, which contained destructive … Read more

The Shocking Truth: Russian Army Abandons and Attacks its Own Soldiers, says Captured Occupier

The Russian army turned out to be not at all the second army in the world; moreover, it demonstrated another shameful sign, as described by the captured occupier. A Russian prisoner of war from the Storm Z detachment admitted that when the Ukrainian Armed Forces took him prisoner, the Russian army began shooting at him … Read more

“8 Menstrual Taboos: What Women Should Avoid During Their Period”

“8 Menstrual Taboos: What Women Should Avoid During Their Period”

There are many myths and taboos about women’s menstrual cramps, such as can teeth be extracted during menstruation? Can I have sex during my period? Can menstrual period eat ice? Are any of these behaviors dangerous? Generally speaking, “good friends” will visit once a month. On those special days, women must learn to take care … Read more