Cases of Suspected Acute Hepatitis in Indonesia Increase to 75

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia — Ministry of Health (Ministry of Health) reports the cumulative number of suspected cases of infection acute hepatitis The cause of which is not yet known has increased to 75 cases as of June 28 at 16.00 WIB. Dozens of cases were reported in 21 provinces of Indonesia. Spokesperson for the Ministry … Read more

WHO Continues to Strive to Conduct Research and Investigations on Mysterious Hepatitis Cases

PR BEKASI – World Health Organization (WHO) took the initiative to lead global research efforts on mysterious hepatitis after the announcement of Extraordinary Events (KLB) on April 23, 2022. The research is also in line with a new global warning issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) United States and United Kingdom … Read more

South Sulawesi Health Office Announces 3 Suspected Patients Not Exposed to Mysterious Hepatitis

Makassar – The South Sulawesi Health Office (Dinkes) announced the results of the examination of samples of three suspected patients mysterious hepatitis who was being treated at the Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital (RSWS), Makassar has been discharged. Three suspected patients were confirmed negative or not exposed to mysterious hepatitis. “There have been results from Jakarta, the … Read more

The cumulative suspicion of mysterious acute hepatitis in Indonesia is 57 cases, here are the details

Jakarta – The Indonesian Ministry of Health recorded a total of 57 cumulative cases of suspected mysterious acute hepatitis. Of the 57 cases, 32 of them were ruled out or included in the discarded category, bringing a total of 25 cases of suspected acute hepatitis. This data was collected by the Indonesian Ministry of Health … Read more

Alert! These are the 3 stages of acute hepatitis symptoms that attack children

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – Acute hepatitis has become a new concern, especially among parents because this disease mostly affects children. Indonesia itself has recorded 6 cases of death suspected to be caused by acute hepatitis. Experts around the world are still researching the origins of the disease. It is possible that this mysterious disease can … Read more

After Hepatitis, Singapore Flu now appears, these are the symptoms and how to prevent it – After the mysterious hepatitis disease, now social media is busy discussing the emergence of the Singapore flu. Parents are worried that this disease will spread and infect their children. Pediatrician DR. Dr. Ariani Dewi Widodo, Sp.A(K) explained that Singapore flu in medical terms is the same as Hand Foot and Mouth Diseases (HFMD). … Read more

Early Symptoms of Childhood Hepatitis Similar to Ordinary Infections, These Are What You Must Watch Out for

Jakarta – Along with the outbreak of mysterious hepatitis aka severe acute hepatitis whose cause is unknown, the public is constantly reminded to immediately provide appropriate treatment if a child has a series of symptoms of hepatitis. Spokesperson for the Indonesian Ministry of Health who is also the President Director of RSPI Sulianti Saroso, Dr. … Read more

475 Mysterious Hepatitis Cases in India, 8 Percent Have Been Affected by Covid-19 Even though it has been declared recovered from Covid-19, it is suspected that someone can experience long-term effects or Long Covid. The condition is suspected to be the cause of mysterious cases of hepatitis in children in India. As many as 8 percent of the 475 children who contracted the mysterious hepatitis, had a … Read more

The difference between ordinary diarrhea and acute hepatitis in children

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia — Hepatitis mysterious acute disease has been detected in several areas of Indonesia. The Ministry of Health noted that 15 people had been exposed to this disease since April 27. Several suspects have also been detected in a number of areas. There are some mysterious acute hepatitis symptoms that parents can watch … Read more

UGM Epidemiologist Confirms Acute Hepatitis Is Not Due to the Covid-19 Vaccine

Transmission of the mysterious acute hepatitis disease can be spread through the air and food. REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Recently, information has emerged linking acute hepatitis caused by the Covid-19 vaccine. Responding to this information, Epidemiologist from Gaiah Mada University (UGM), Riris Andomo Ahmad, said that mysterious acute hepatitis had nothing to do with Covid-19 vaccination. … Read more