The families reveal that Angela and Ecky the Mutilators are in a loving relationship

The families reveal that Angela and Ecky the Mutilators are in a loving relationship

Jakarta – Reason M Ecky Listianto (34) kill and maim Angela Hindriati (54) still mysterious. However, the family revealed that Angela and Ecky were in a relationship. Angela’s brother Turyono (58) said his sister had been in a relationship with Ecky since 2018. Turyono also revealed that Angela had asked Ecky to marry her. “There … Read more

The family searches the police and discovers he is the mutilator

The family searches the police and discovers he is the mutilator

Jakarta, CNNI Indonesia — Case homocide shocked residents in Buaran village, Tambun district, Regency Bekasi, West Java. A woman was found tragically mutilated with a chainsaw. The victim’s body was found in an on-site boarding lounge. The victim’s body was found in a container in the departure lounge. This case was revealed in an unusual … Read more

Rent the body scene of the mutilated woman in Bekasi in the author’s name

Rent the body scene of the mutilated woman in Bekasi in the author’s name

Bekasi – Police arrested a man with the initials MEL, perpetrator of female mutilations in a rented house in the neighborhood Bekasi, West Java. Police confirmed that the house was being contracted out under the name MEL. “It is in the name of the person we are looking for (MEL) because apart from a house, … Read more

Police suspect that the mutilated body of a woman in Bekasi has been stored for a long time

Police suspect that the mutilated body of a woman in Bekasi has been stored for a long time

Jakarta – Police suspect the body of the female victim mutilation leased to Bekasi Regency, West Java, has been preserved for a long time. An autopsy is currently underway on the woman’s body. “The forensic medical team from Bhayangkara Hospital is currently performing an autopsy on the body. It is suspected that this body has … Read more