Surprisingly, the mutant rat with body like a bodybuilder returns from outer space

Surprisingly, the mutant rat with body like a bodybuilder returns from outer space– Dozens mouse sent to the station Outer Space International ( ISS) in December last year. Uniquely, the body mutant mouse this looks more stocky like a bodybuilder. Travel outer space long, such as a mission to the planet Mars for example, is expected to have an effect on the human body, one of which … Read more

They develop a therapy to avoid obesity and gain muscle without exercising

They develop a therapy to avoid obesity and gain muscle without exercising

You imagine avoid the obesity and build muscle without having to do exercise? Well, scientists at the University of Washington School of Medicine in St. Louis (United States) claim to have found a new gene therapy that can do it. They have tested it on mice and it works! The folistatina, a protein expressed in … Read more

it affects not only the lungs, but the whole body

it affects not only the lungs, but the whole body

The first 10 days after the onset of symptoms of the disease, the 38-year-old American was feeling quite well. He was not at risk; he had no chronic diseases. – The man was examined, the disease was mild. The patient had a slight cough. Therefore, he was sent home for treatment, ”says the head of … Read more