Greenpeace activists on Siemens roof: police clear the area

Greenpeace activists on Siemens roof: police clear the area

Siemens headquarters: Police clear the roof around 8:20 p.m. Around 7.40 p.m., eleven activists voluntarily decided to leave the roof area and were accompanied by emergency services into the building. “In the ongoing talks with the Munich police, the activists rejected all offers to solve the situation,” the police said. Around 8:20 p.m., special forces … Read more

Coronavirus in Germany – a child is ill for the first time

Coronavirus in Germany – a child is ill for the first time

Nationwide demand for breathing masks is increasing Concerns about the introduction of the novel corona virus are already increasing the demand for breathing masks in German pharmacies. No concrete figures are available yet, said Ursula Sellerberg of the Federal Association of German Pharmacists’ Associations on Monday of the German Press Agency. A spokesman for the … Read more

Coronavirus: Airlines have to give German authorities precise seating plans

Coronavirus: Airlines have to give German authorities precise seating plans

live Corona virus in Germany Airlines have to hand over detailed seating plans to authorities after landing – As of: 3:41 p.m. | Reading time: 3 minutes Why experts warn about breathing masks – – The number of corona infections has skyrocketed overnight. There are bottlenecks in the supply of breathing masks in pharmacies. Experts … Read more

Corona virus in Germany: 1. Human-to-human infection outside of Asia

Corona virus in Germany: 1. Human-to-human infection outside of Asia

Nationwide demand for breathing masks is increasing Concerns about the introduction of the novel corona virus are already increasing the demand for breathing masks in German pharmacies. No concrete figures are available yet, said Ursula Sellerberg of the Federal Association of German Pharmacists’ Associations on Monday of the German Press Agency. A spokesman for the … Read more

Novel infection: First coronavirus case in Germany confirmed

Corona virus in Germany: 1. Human-to-human infection outside of Asia

live Novel infection First coronavirus case confirmed in Germany – Status: 00:29 a.m. | Reading time: 3 minutes How everyone can protect themselves against corona viruses – – The number of coronavirus infections is increasing rapidly, but the Robert Koch Institute rates the risk for Germany as low. “There is no need to panic, but … Read more

Lufthansa flight LH460 to Miami: fire alarm in A380! Defective fan heater is the cause – news

Lufthansa flight LH460 to Miami: fire alarm in A380! Defective fan heater is the cause – news

Anxious hours for 266 passengers and crew on board flight LH460 from Munich to Miami! A Lufthansa aircraft turned over on Thursday due to an air emergency over the Atlantic. A spokesman confirmed to BILD that there had been a fire alarm in the A380. At shortly before 5 p.m. the plane has landed again … Read more

Fire alarm in the cargo bay – A380 from Munich has to turn around

Fire alarm in the cargo bay – A380 from Munich has to turn around

An A380 has been reversed on the route from Munich to Miami. The pilots reported an air emergency. On A380 of the Lufthansa was on the way from Munich to Miami, The crew of flight LH 460 declared an air emergency over the Atlantic and returned. Emergency over the Atlantic: Lufthansa flight LH460 from Munich … Read more

Climate protection – shareholders vote on the CO2 component

Climate protection – shareholders vote on the CO2 component

The topic of CO2 will be the focus of the upcoming Siemens Annual General Meeting on February 5 in Munich. This will be ensured on the one hand by the protests announced by climate protectionists, and on the other hand, carbon dioxide is also on the company’s own agenda. The salary of the board plays … Read more

Two new night trains for Germany – but not from the train TIME ONLINE

Two new night trains for Germany – but not from the train TIME ONLINE

Rail travelers can now cover two new routes in the sleeping car. The Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB) connect Innsbruck and Vienna with Brussels, On the way to Belgium, the trains stop in Munich, Nuremberg, Frankfurt and Cologne, among others. In future, both trains will always go to Brussels on Sundays and Wednesdays. They start at … Read more

Munich students draw bright – sexy calendars

Munich students draw bright – sexy calendars

Actually, the veterinary medicine students at the LMU in Munich wanted to finance their graduation ceremony with the nude calendar. Then the emergency in Australia became a topic of conversation among fellow students. The idea for the nude calendar came up in October and within six weeks two different calendars were produced – one with … Read more