“Unruly Child and Negligent Mother: A Nightmare on a Flight”

“Unruly Child and Negligent Mother: A Nightmare on a Flight”

The Angels – Flying with children is not easy. But mothers instead let his son act wild on the plane. As a result, he was hit by another passenger. An unnamed female passenger confided in the Reddit forum about the unpleasant experience she had while boarding the plane. The passenger said that when the incident … Read more

Pixie Geldof Cherishes Time with Her Young Daughter While Taking a Relaxing Walk

Pixie Geldof Cherishes Time with Her Young Daughter While Taking a Relaxing Walk

Pixie Geldof, the British singer-songwriter and model, has been spotted strolling around town with her adorable toddler daughter. The 30-year-old mother-of-one was seen doting on her little one, who looked snug and content wrapped up in a cozy pink blanket in her stroller. Despite her reputation as a fashion icon and music industry darling, Geldof … Read more

Putin Meets Mothers of Dead Russian Soldiers ‘Understanding Pain’ | Reuters

Putin Meets Mothers of Dead Russian Soldiers ‘Understanding Pain’ |  Reuters

Russian President Vladimir Putin met with 17 mothers of Russian soldiers posted to Ukraine and said the government leadership understands the pain of mothers whose sons have been killed in action. REUTERS/Sputnik/Alexander Shcherbak/Pool via REUTERS [ロンドン 25日 ロイター] – On the 25th, Russian President Vladimir Putin met with 17 mothers of Russian soldiers sent to … Read more

Older mothers may be the solution to a shortage on the labor market | NOW

Older mothers may be the solution to a shortage on the labor market |  NOW

Women who work less when they have a child often work part-time for the rest of their careers. Two out of three mothers do not return to the number of hours they worked before having children. According to the Office of Social and Cultural Planning (SCP), this has everything to do with government policy. With … Read more

Breastfeeding week: What benefits can it have on mothers? | Health & Wellness

Breastfeeding week: What benefits can it have on mothers?  |  Health & Wellness

Within the framework of the celebration of the week of lactation, specialists in gynecology detailed the benefits of breastfeeding for mothers. Some of them include reducing the risk of cancer and developing postpartum depression. – On lactation much is usually disclosed, including the benefits that concern children, however, it should be remembered that this process … Read more

Anies’s Cheeks Pinched by Mothers When Laying Pipes at Kamal Muara

Anies’s Cheeks Pinched by Mothers When Laying Pipes at Kamal Muara

Jakarta – Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan attended the laying of the first clean water pipe in the Kamal Muara area, Penjaringan, North Jakarta. In that moment, Anies’ cheek was pinched by a mother. Anies uploaded the moment through his personal Instagram, as seen detik.com, Thursday (30/6/2022). Anies initially reviewed the activities groundbreaking the … Read more

Exhausted mothers need a cure

Exhausted mothers need a cure

Unetr edr Wecho its iebSan G. (Nmea d) etngäre tim mirhe oShn lelnai.e Irh naMn mokmt lgietnchie nei vro r0 hU2 ncha ueHs.a anDn hflcäts red Värirgjeieh .shocn Vno ngmsoer bsi dbnsea ncu mrüm. ied eBeutngru dnu Erizguneh sde s, dKeni sda negrBni dun onHle mov irandge, etrKn ned egeneni bo.J Sie berietat rawz nru … Read more

If I am told to do that with my husband, I hate it

If I am told to do that with my husband, I hate it

General Chairperson of the PDI-P (PDIP) Megawati Soekarnoputri. The scarcity of cooking oil has drawn reactions from Megawati. (Source: Kompas TV Youtube screenshot) JAKARTA, KOMPAS.TV – Chairperson of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) Megawati Sukarno Putri responded to the phenomenon of the scarcity of cooking oil that has occurred in recent times. It … Read more