a thousand deaths and accidents a day. “Blame it on the meat grinder technique”

A horrible Might, marked by a thousand lifeless or wounded Russian troopers. in keeping with New York Instancesfinal month Moscow at an excellent loss as a result of Ukraine as a consequence of waves of frontal assaults. The info comes from Western data together with data from the USA and the UK. British army intelligence … Read more

Ukrainian President Meets US, EU Leaders Amid Russian Invasion | Latest Updates

The Ukrainian president from the secretary general in Brussels, who underlines: “We will help you as long as necessary”. Among others, in Belgium he will also meet Prime Minister Alexander De Croo. Sullivan, Biden’s national security adviser, said the United States is capable of both providing assistance to Israel and continuing to support Ukraine in … Read more

Kim Jong Un Receives Explosive Drones and Reconnaissance Drone as Gifts from Russian Governor

Kim Jong Un Receives Explosive Drones and Reconnaissance Drone as Gifts from Russian Governor

Kim Jong Un received today as a gift from the governor of the Primorye region, in the Russian Far East, five explosive drones, a reconnaissance drone and a bulletproof vest, according to the Tass envoy following the North Korean leader. “The leader of the DPRK (official name of North Korea, ed.) received five kamikaze drones … Read more

1. “Investigation Updates: Black Boxes Recovered and Bodies Found in Russian Plane Crash” 2. “Putin’s Denial: No Involvement in Yevgeny Prigozhin’s Killing” 3. “Speculations Surrounding Plane Crash and Prigozhin’s Death – Kremlin Claims False Reports” 4. “Putin Signs Decree: Oath of Allegiance for Paramilitaries, Including Wagner” 5. “Wagner Core Remains in Belarus, Says Lukashenko”

1. “Investigation Updates: Black Boxes Recovered and Bodies Found in Russian Plane Crash”
2. “Putin’s Denial: No Involvement in Yevgeny Prigozhin’s Killing”
3. “Speculations Surrounding Plane Crash and Prigozhin’s Death – Kremlin Claims False Reports”
4. “Putin Signs Decree: Oath of Allegiance for Paramilitaries, Including Wagner”
5. “Wagner Core Remains in Belarus, Says Lukashenko”

Investigators found the black boxes and recovered all the bodies of the 10 occupants of the jet that crashed two days ago in Russia on board which according to the Moscow authorities was the head of Wagner Yevgeny Prigozhin. This was announced by sources of the Investigative Committee cited by the Ria Novosti agency. It … Read more

Yevgeny Prigozhin: Death of a Rebel Billionaire and Putin’s Chef

Yevgeny Prigozhin: Death of a Rebel Billionaire and Putin’s Chef

Exactly two months after his militiamen’s ‘march of justice’ on Moscow, Yevgeny Prigozhin’s challenge to the Kremlin has reached its epilogue. The ex-convict turned billionaire, hero of Russia for the battles in Ukraine and then rebelled against the power of Vladimir Putin, died when the private jet on which he was traveling crashed between Moscow … Read more

“China and EU Discuss Promoting Sustainable peace in Ukraine Despite Russian Aggression”

The Assistant Secretary-General for Political Affairs and Political Director of the European External Action Service, Enrique Mora, today received the Chinese government’s special envoy for Eurasian affairs, Li Hui, in Brussels. It can be read in a note. “Mora welcomed Special Envoy Li’s visit to Europe, especially to Kiev, and China’s recent engagement with Ukraine, … Read more

“Peace has a chance”

12:55 G7: determined to continue military support to Kiev The G7 members reaffirm “their determination to continue to support Ukraine in exercising its right to defend itself from an invasion by Russia, including by providing military and defense assistance”. This can be read in the final document of the meeting of ministers at the Munich … Read more

Ukraine, Moscow denies bombing of apartment block in Dnipro – Europe

Russia has denied bombing the apartment building in Dnipro, in Ukraine. Moscow’s armed forces “do not target residential buildings,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said, and quoted Alexei Arestovych, an adviser to the Ukrainian presidency, as saying the missile that hit Dnipro on Saturday was not intentionally fired at a building residential. “You have all seen … Read more

Ukraine war Russia, today’s latest news on the crisis. DIRECT

“We all seek and want peace. Meanwhile, however, Putin is continuing to bomb Ukraine, ignoring the international community’s request to sit at a negotiating table. Meanwhile, the Russian army continues to kill innocent civilians and blocks ports. and the export of wheat, risking to cause a further war which, in turn, could generate an increase … Read more