New Mortgage Options for Young Home Buyers with Limited Savings

New Mortgage Options for Young Home Buyers with Limited Savings

As a general rule, To buy a house it is essential to have a lot of savings, since the usual thing is that the bank contributes 80% of the value of the home and therefore the buyer needs to have that remaining 20% ​​of the value of the operation, as well as the formalization fees … Read more

Record Number of Mortgage Payoffs in 2023 as Interest Rates Rise

Record Number of Mortgage Payoffs in 2023 as Interest Rates Rise

One of the happiest economic moments for a family is the day when a mortgage is paid off. Stopping having your home pending a loan guarantees peace of mind for household accounts. You can get there either by complying with the schedule set in the contract or by having reaped some savings and having repaid … Read more

Government Measures and Aid for Mortgage Borrowers Amidst Rising Variable Rates

Government Measures and Aid for Mortgage Borrowers Amidst Rising Variable Rates

He mortgage benchmark of Spain is at the level of 15 years agobefore the outbreak of the financial crisis. As a consequence, the loans mortgage at variable rate are registering a significant increase. In this situation, there are different aids to alleviate the effects of a runaway euribor. Government aid: Code of Good Practices for … Read more

Legal Rights and Responsibilities for Pets in Divorce Agreements

Legal Rights and Responsibilities for Pets in Divorce Agreements

«When a client comes and tells you about their marital crisis, they rarely talk about their pet. “Along with the children, the home or the mortgage, we have to find out what happens with the pet, who takes care of it, who takes care of it, what their expenses are,” explains María Pérez Galván, vice … Read more

Rise of Young Heirs in the Real Estate Market: Exploring the Phenomenon and Implications

Rise of Young Heirs in the Real Estate Market: Exploring the Phenomenon and Implications

The number of young heirs in the real estate market has skyrocketed in the last three years. In a universe in which the average age at which a property is inherited is 54 years, those under 35 have gained many positions since 2020, when they represented 8%, until this year, in which they escalate to … Read more

The Code of Good Practices: A Lifeline for Mortgage Payment Troubles

The Code of Good Practices: A Lifeline for Mortgage Payment Troubles

The payment of the mortgage It can become a real nightmare for many people who for some reason are going through a difficult economic situation. However, for these people it also opens a door to hope. We have a new section where we offer all the information related to the Code of Good Practices #bdeFinancialEducation … Read more

The Euribor Returns to July Levels as Interest Rates Rise

The Euribor Returns to July Levels as Interest Rates Rise

The Euribor has returned to the same level it was in the month of July. In fact, at the end of September has marked the same information as two months ago: 4.149%. This means that the indicator has stepped on the accelerator again. This is due, in part, to the rate hike carried out by … Read more

The Rising Euribor: What it Means for Variable Rate Mortgages

The Rising Euribor: What it Means for Variable Rate Mortgages

He Euribor It continues to fail, to the chagrin of those people who have contracted a variable rate mortgage. Thus, it closed the month of September at 4.145% (in August it was 4.073%). In this way, the Euribor The 12-month rate has gone from 2.23% to 4.20% in the last twelve months, which represents an … Read more

The Misconceptions of Podemos: Ignorance about Inflation and Market Economics

The Misconceptions of Podemos: Ignorance about Inflation and Market Economics

He says in his resume and on his Twitter account that he has a degree in Law, spokesperson for Podemos and general coordinator of the party in Castilla y León. This is Pablo Fernández, the spokesperson for the party they founded Monedero and Pablo Iglesiasand which now works reluctantly under the orders of the Sumar … Read more

August Home Sales Decrease 15.3% as Mortgage Rates Rise and Inventory Remains Low

August Home Sales Decrease 15.3% as Mortgage Rates Rise and Inventory Remains Low

Home sales in August decreased 15.3%. Foto: Shutterstock / Shutterstock According to the monthly report of the National Association of Realtors (NAR), in the month of August Home prices continued to increase up to 3.9% more than a year agoamid high mortgage rates and low inventory that has caused future buyers to stay away from … Read more