Challenges of Getting a Mortgage Later in Life: Age Limits and Additional Requirements

Challenges of Getting a Mortgage Later in Life: Age Limits and Additional Requirements

Buying a home without taking out a mortgage is practically an unattainable fantasy, especially now, with skyrocketing prices. But it is not easy for the bank to grant it to you either. When you are young because you do not yet have income that provides security to the entity. And when you are older, because … Read more

European Central Bank Pause in Interest Rate Increases Leads to Decline in Mortgage and Consumer Loan Rates

European Central Bank Pause in Interest Rate Increases Leads to Decline in Mortgage and Consumer Loan Rates

The break in the rise of interest rates of the euro zone is already being reflected in what banks charge for lending to their clients. In the case of mortgages, they are already experiencing their second consecutive month of declines, while in consumer loans, interest rates have been reduced to levels from a year ago. … Read more

Czech Banks Resistant to Lowering Mortgage Rates, Even After CNB Interest Rate Reduction

Czech Banks Resistant to Lowering Mortgage Rates, Even After CNB Interest Rate Reduction

“It can be seen that even the reduction of the basic interest rate by the CNB will not convince the banks to more drastically discount mortgages,” said Swiss Life Select analyst Jiří Sýkora. According to him, it may be the banks’ reaction to the new setting of compensation for early repayment of the mortgage. From … Read more

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation Approves Royal Decree Law 19/2022 to Alleviate Rise in Interest Rates on Mortgage Loans

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation Approves Royal Decree Law 19/2022 to Alleviate Rise in Interest Rates on Mortgage Loans

At the end of 2022, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation approved Royal Decree Law 19/2022, which established a Code of Good Practices to alleviate the rise in interest rates on mortgage loans. In the text, it was specified that the rise in the Euribor could have a significant impact on the financial … Read more

Woman exonerated from 266,718 euro debt to Banco Santander after 17 years of ordeal

Woman exonerated from 266,718 euro debt to Banco Santander after 17 years of ordeal

Seventeen years of conflict and ordeal while being innocent. “A true nightmare, since without eating or drinking it I found myself immersed in a situation that I had not sought,” explains MYP, a woman living in Ocaña, who has suffered some very difficult years derived from an insolvency situation in which she fell accidentally due … Read more

European Central Bank Announces Stagnation of Interest Rates After Year of Record Highs

European Central Bank Announces Stagnation of Interest Rates After Year of Record Highs

The European Central Bank has announced that the interest rates have stopped growing after a year in which only high values ​​were recorded. This will cause the Euribor to end up falling in the long run, but for the moment, very high interest rates are estimated. Currently, it marks 4.18%, when a year ago it … Read more

December Euribor Decline: Experts Predict Gradual Continued Trend

December Euribor Decline: Experts Predict Gradual Continued Trend

Not even the most optimistic people anticipated it. In December, the decline in the Euribor, the main reference for variable interest mortgages, was consolidated, with an average of 3.679%, to the level of last April. In the last day of the month and of the year, this indicator to which banks lend money to each … Read more