The Evolution of the Spanish Housing Market: From 16% to 3.5% Interest Rates in 40 Years

The Evolution of the Spanish Housing Market: From 16% to 3.5% Interest Rates in 40 Years

In the last 40 years, The housing market has undergone a great change since in 1981 as a result of the Moncloa Pacts what we know today as the mortgage market was born. At that time, both the official banks and the private banks began to grant mortgages. savings banks of each municipality and the … Read more

The increase in home purchases without needing a mortgage in Spain

The increase in home purchases without needing a mortgage in Spain

The purchase of a home without the need to access a mortgage loan continues to increase due to financial conditions. During the month of April they have signed 42,139 home sales, of which 25,945 were formalized through a mortgage, 61.5% of the totalaccording to the provisional data of the Real Estate Registry Statistics corresponding to … Read more

How to Navigate High Mortgage Rates and Stricter Conditions: Expert Financial Advice

How to Navigate High Mortgage Rates and Stricter Conditions: Expert Financial Advice

First of all, there are high interest rates and, in addition, stricter conditions for obtaining a mortgage have been in effect for over a year. The rates now most often range from 5.5 to 6 percent, depending on the length of the fixation. “In addition to making mortgages more expensive, monthly payments are increasing. And … Read more

Record High Renegotiations of Mortgages as European Central Bank Raises Interest Rates

Record High Renegotiations of Mortgages as European Central Bank Raises Interest Rates

The rapid, high and constant increases in interest rates approved by the European Central Bank (ECB) in recent months have forced citizens to renegotiate their mortgages with the bank. According to the latest data published this Monday by the Bank of Spain, a record for renegotiation of mortgage loans was recorded in April. A level … Read more

Mortgage Firm to Acquire Residences Shows Rise in Canary Islands Despite National Fall

Mortgage Firm to Acquire Residences Shows Rise in Canary Islands Despite National Fall

The mortgage firm to acquire a home resists the type in Canary Islands. In the first quarter, 3,992 loans were signed in the Archipelago6.4% more than in the first three months of 2022. Although it is true that a part of them may be embalmed operations from recent months, the increase occurs on the data … Read more

The Debate Over Mortgages for 100% of Home Price: Lessons from the UK and Spain

The Debate Over Mortgages for 100% of Home Price: Lessons from the UK and Spain

Between 2004 and 2007, financial institutions fiercely competed with each other to grant mortgages to families. Therefore, almost any citizen who applied for one got it. The key to success was in the custom made suit for their clients. To balance the figures, they stretched the number of years of the loan, granted loans with … Read more

How Banks Are Making it Tough to Get a Mortgage in Spain: Hardening Criteria and Rejections

How Banks Are Making it Tough to Get a Mortgage in Spain: Hardening Criteria and Rejections

He has no debts, his contract is fixed, he has a net income of 1,300 euros per month, his payment history is perfect… but he works at MediaMarkt. “They denied me a mortgage because of my profession, despite being permanent and having seniority,” says Raúl Teba, a young man looking for a flat to buy … Read more

Freddie Mac PMMS: 30-Year Fixed-Rate Mortgage Averages 6.39%

Freddie Mac PMMS: 30-Year Fixed-Rate Mortgage Averages 6.39%

Freddie Mac released the results of its Primary Mortgage Market Survey (PMMS), showing that the 30-year fixed-rate mortgage (FRM) averaged 6.39%. “The 30-year fixed-rate mortgage averaged 6.39% this week as it economic headwinds have kept rates within a ten-point range basics over the last few weeks,” said Sam Khater, chief economist at Freddie Mac. “After … Read more

“The Challenge of High House Prices and 100% Mortgages: Solutions and Requirements”

“The Challenge of High House Prices and 100% Mortgages: Solutions and Requirements”

He high house price It is one of the strongest barriers that prevent our children from ‘leaving the nest’ and buying not just the house of their dreams, but a decent place to live. According to data from Fotocasa, an 80-square-meter flat in Spain today costs an average of 166,880 euros, something that is not … Read more