Three alternatives to lower the mortgage credit fee | YOUR MONEY

Three alternatives to lower the mortgage credit fee |  YOUR MONEY

Even those with mortgages in force are looking for alternatives to lower their credit quota in this scenario. Thus, one option is to search for the debt purchase or consolidation from your entity or a different one where they offer you a lower interest rate than the one that was granted when you took out … Read more

Bank of the Nation 2022 mortgage: how do you buy a house with a bank mortgage? | bank of the nation comp pe | mortgage credit | mortgage | Economy

Bank of the Nation 2022 mortgage: how do you buy a house with a bank mortgage?  |  bank of the nation comp pe |  mortgage credit |  mortgage |  Economy

Banco de la Nación offers a mortgage loan with the rates more competitive in the current market. East financing It is used to buy a finished house, under construction or to transfer a mortgage debt. The payment term is for up to 25 years and up to 90% of the property value is covered. They … Read more