This is the life a Finnish captain convicted of penis amputation lives in the small village of Laukaa – 2024-04-05 21:52:27

This is the life a Finnish captain convicted of penis amputation lives in the small village of Laukaa
 – 2024-04-05 21:52:27

News The man was known as a matter-of-fact engineer who published studies, as an award-winning captain of the Defense Forces. In the basement in the small village of Laukaa, he had a sadistic secret. Such is the man convicted of cutting off the penis. Yesterday at 10:13 #life #Finnish #captain #convicted #penis #amputation #lives #small … Read more

Member of Parliament Joakim Vigelius, 27, made headlines for a hotel night and his boyfriend – Caused an uproar even before parliament – 2024-04-05 11:27:01

Member of Parliament Joakim Vigelius, 27, made headlines for a hotel night and his boyfriend – Caused an uproar even before parliament
 – 2024-04-05 11:27:01

News First-term Member of Parliament Joakim Vigelius, 27, has already been in the headlines many times, for example after introducing his boyfriend at Linna’s party. Before the parliament, he caused an uproar at the University of Tampere. Now he is telling something about himself that many would not believe based on his public image. Today … Read more

The hit drug Ozempic can have a very surprising effect on women – The Chief Medical Officer tells what it is about Terveysuutiset 4.4. 10:16 a.m – 2024-04-05 01:07:30

The hit drug Ozempic can have a very surprising effect on women – The Chief Medical Officer tells what it is about Terveysuutiset 4.4.  10:16 a.m
 – 2024-04-05 01:07:30

The hit drug Ozempic can have a very surprising effect on women – The Chief Medical Officer tells what it is about Terveysuutiset 4.4. 10:16 a.m #hit #drug #Ozempic #surprising #effect #women #Chief #Medical #Officer #tells #Terveysuutiset #a.m

The hit drug Ozempic can have a very surprising effect on women – The chief medical officer tells what it is about Terveysuutiset 10:16 – 2024-04-04 15:00:07

The hit drug Ozempic can have a very surprising effect on women – The chief medical officer tells what it is about Terveysuutiset 10:16
 – 2024-04-04 15:00:07

The hit drug Ozempic can have a very surprising effect on women – The chief medical officer tells what it is about Terveysuutiset 10:16 #hit #drug #Ozempic #surprising #effect #women #chief #medical #officer #tells #Terveysuutiset