Green Monkey DNA Contamination Found in Covid-19 mRNA Vaccine: Microbiologists Call for Immediate Action

Green Monkey DNA Contamination Found in Covid-19 mRNA Vaccine: Microbiologists Call for Immediate Action

Green monkey DNA illustration. Photo: Special JAKARTA – Microbiologists and immunologists find green monkey DNA in the Covid-19 mRNA vaccine. In addition, it was also found that the promoter of a virus associated with tumors is very dangerous for humans. Microbiologist Kevin McKernan said his team found massive DNA contamination in the shot of Covid-19 … Read more

5 Fascinating Facts about Human-Monkey Chimeras and Their Potential Benefits for Healthcare

5 Fascinating Facts about Human-Monkey Chimeras and Their Potential Benefits for Healthcare

5 Interesting Facts about Monkey-Human Mixed Creatures . PHOTOS/CNET JAKARTA – In a controversial study, scientists United States of America (USA) has created mixed beings human-monkey which is able to survive for 20 days before finally being destroyed. The project involving chimera embryos was led by Juan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte, a gene expression expert from … Read more

“Chinese Scientists Create Monkey Embryo-like Structures from Stem Cells”

“Chinese Scientists Create Monkey Embryo-like Structures from Stem Cells”

Jakarta – Scientists in China created embryo-like structures from monkey stem cells. The structure was implanted in a surrogate female monkey and grew briefly but did not become a viable fetus. In recent years, scientists in China are working to create entirely synthetic embryos, meaning embryos produced without the typical fertilization of an egg by … Read more

An Aston Villa supporter purportedly makes a monkey gesture towards a Chelsea fan.

An Aston Villa supporter purportedly makes a monkey gesture towards a Chelsea fan.

In the world of sports, there is no shortage of controversies and incidents that raise eyebrows among fans and players alike. Recently, a disturbing incident occurred during the Aston Villa vs Chelsea game, where an Aston Villa fan allegedly made a monkey gesture at a Chelsea fan. The incident has sparked outrage among football fans, … Read more

Chinese scientists create brain switches so humans are able to explore the vast space

Chinese scientists create brain switches so humans are able to explore the vast space

Loading… SIAT researchers have developed research into a brain switch that can create a state of suspended animation or hibernation. Photo/IST JAKARTA – A group of scientists from the Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology (SIAT) have conducted an extraordinary experiment to help humans explore the deepest space. They innovate to change brain which can be … Read more