Bad weather, red warning in Emilia Romagna, more than 3 miles away. Lepore: ‘We will ask for a state of emergency’ – News

Bad weather, red warning in Emilia Romagna, more than 3 miles away. Lepore: ‘We will ask for a state of emergency’ – News

The flooding of rivers in Emilia-Romagna continued overnight with the flood extending from the metropolitan area of ​​Bologna, affecting Ravenna, Modena, Reggio and traveling to Piacenza. The acting president of the Department, Irene Priolo, said this, inviting residents to follow the mayor’s instructions to the letter. “We had several critical cases in the metropolitan area … Read more

Modena: Electric Taxi Discount and Mileage Records – Mayor Muzzarelli’s Green Initiative

Modena: Electric Taxi Discount and Mileage Records – Mayor Muzzarelli’s Green Initiative

Gennaro’s electric taxi in Modena: hundreds of miles travelled. Modena: taxi license with a very respectable discount for those who choose an electric or low-emission car. 15 thousand euros less. This was decided by the Municipality which approved the tender for 11 new licenses but “all vehicles must guarantee a low environmental impact, with rewards … Read more

Elly Schlein is the new secretary of the Democratic Party – Politics

Elly Schlein is the new secretary of the Democratic Party – Politics

Elly Schlein is the new secretary of the Democratic Party. In 80% of the seats scrutinized, she is ahead of Stefano Bonaccini: 53.8% against 46.2%. She is the first woman to lead the party. She and she is the youngest: she is 38 years old. “The democratic people is alive, there and is ready to … Read more