Red Shirts – Nonthaburi residents change plans, do not go flat 11, heading to the Government Center

– March 6, 2021, 3:48 p.m.—– Red Shirts – People of Nonthaburi changed their plans, not moving the rally procession to flat 11, but headed to the Government Center. Changwattana Rd. Instead of “Bright Shinawatra” identified as a separate battle. — From the case of the red shirt people – People’s Nonthaburi Announcing an appointment … Read more

Mass representative “The 28 February” announced the move from the 1st plain to close the expressway.

– 28 Feb. 2021 8:57 PM.—– Mass representative “The 28th mob” announced a request for demonstrators to cross the road to move from the 1st Infantry Regiment to the outbound expressway. — On February 28, ’64, the reporters reported the atmosphere. “The mob, 28 February” Of the REDEM mass in front of the 1st Infantry … Read more

Several shots like guns sounded. During the assembly Expect to shoot rubber bullets at the masses

– 28 Feb. 2021, 9:09 p.m.—– There was a chaos again. Due to the sound like several guns sounding Expect officers to shoot rubber bullets at protesters. Causing the demonstrators to retreat And cross to the side of a parallel expressway — At 20:.51 on February 28, the reporter reported the situation of the rally. … Read more

Prepare 4,000 police officers to handle the mob, February 20, focus on negotiating protesters

– 20 Feb. 2021, 3:26 p.m.—– Police Lieutenant Colonel Krishna reveals about four thousand police forces to switch to receive mobs in front of Parliament Do not use violence Focus on negotiation — At 2:40 p.m. on February 20, in front of the Parliament Kiakkai, Pol. Lieutenant Colonel Krisana Pattanacharoen, Deputy Spokesperson of the Royal … Read more

Representatives of protesters read 3 confirmation statements before ending the mob on 20 February.

– 20 Feb. 2021 21:11—– Representatives of the Thammasat Coalition and the assembly read the announcement after a nearly year-long battle, confirming three demands and adhere to peaceful means. Before the end of the 20 February rally for the masses — At 20.40 on February 20, the reporter reported. After representatives of the Thammasat Alliance … Read more

Mob Fest ends rally in parliament after 10 ministers vote of no confidence

– 19 Feb. 2021, 10:31 a.m.—– Mob Fest announced the end of the rally at the Kiakkai Parliament after voting activities of 10 ministers by the people. With a new rally meeting on 3 afternoon tomorrow, the police force in front of the Supreme Court Security — At 22.13 hours on February 19, the reporter … Read more

2 victims of violence in front of the police station Nang Loeng recorded the daily record, heard the police yell “Shoot.”

— Representative of the Human Rights Attorney Center Take two people injured from violence at Nang Loeng police station into daily journal. I heard a police officer shout, “Shoot!” — At 5:30 p.m. on February 14, 2021 at Nang Loeng Police Station, representative of the Human Rights Lawyers Center, brought Mr. A and Mr. B … Read more

Medical Students’ Federation Demanding the police Harming a member of a volunteer medical team

— Federation of Medical Students of Thailand Calls for the police commander to control the crowd Review the performance of staff in “The mob, February 13” Causes of Violence on Volunteers, Medical Staff, and Protesters — On February 14, 2021, the reporter reported Federation of Medical Students of Thailand Under the patronage of Professor Dr. … Read more

“People” issued a statement that the government officials had no right to use violence against protesters.

— People’s groups released a statement following the crackdown on Monday, saying government officials have no right to violence against those who use constitutional freedom of assembly. Ready to fight until no people are unfairly arrested — On February 14, 2021, the reporter reported Facebook fan page people The statement was disclosed stating that it … Read more

The headmaster announced the end of the rally. After worshiping the city pillar shrine Threaten to raise the level if not releasing the 4 lead

— “Headmaster Attaphon” with representatives to do activities In front of the city pillar shrine In order to keep the sacred things on the side of the people, reiterate the release of 4 leaders within 7 days, threatening to raise the assembly level if ignored Along with announcing the end of the rally — At … Read more