Modautal: Dog and horse caught: missing rider found dead after search | Regional

Modautal: Dog and horse caught: missing rider found dead after search |  Regional

Stuttering – The tragic end of an almost nine-hour search for missing persons in Hesse: a motorcyclist (28) had been searched there since Thursday – she was found dead at around 4.30am on Friday. Her dog, who had accompanied her, was caught nearby: if it could talk, investigators wouldn’t be puzzled. also read According to … Read more

Finding the missing Al-Khalidiyah after his disappearance under mysterious circumstances…and revealing his condition

Finding the missing Al-Khalidiyah after his disappearance under mysterious circumstances…and revealing his condition

Al-Marsad newspaper: Members of the family of “Missing Al-Khalidiya” have announced in the past few hours that they have been found. The family of the deceased, 15-year-old Abdul Hameed Al-Mashra’i, a Yemeni citizen, confirmed that he was found, but in “bad psychological health”. The family thanked the security forces and citizens for stepping up their … Read more