How did the Ministry of Health deal with the first case of corona virus in Egypt?

How did the Ministry of Health deal with the first case of corona virus in Egypt?

Subscribe to receive the most important news – – Dr. Khaled Mujahid, adviser to the Minister of Health and Population for Media Affairs, the ministry’s spokesperson, said that strict precautionary measures had been taken with the first positive case of new HIV infection for a “foreign” person. “Mujahid” added that the necessary analyzes were performed … Read more

The Ministry of Health reveals the fate of the first case of corona in Egypt inside “a hospital

The Ministry of Health reveals the fate of the first case of corona in Egypt inside “a hospital

01:40 PM Saturday 15 February 2020 – Books – Ahmed Jumaa: Dr. Khaled Mujahid, Advisor to the Minister of Health for Media Affairs, said that the condition of the foreigner who is infected with the new coronavirus is currently stable and does not suffer from any symptoms. Yesterday, Friday, the Egyptian Ministry of Health and … Read more

How has the Ministry of Health revealed the professionalism of a foreign passenger who is infected with Corona virus? .. Video

How has the Ministry of Health revealed the professionalism of a foreign passenger who is infected with Corona virus? .. Video

Yesterday, Friday, the Egyptian Ministry of Health and Population and the World Health Organization announced the discovery of the first positive case of a new virus, Corona virus, emerging inside the country for a foreigner, “a Chinese citizen.” The seventh day reviews in an information video how did the Ministry of Health reveal with professionalism … Read more

“14 days of self-isolation” … What did health do with the contacts of the current foreigner?

“14 days of self-isolation” … What did health do with the contacts of the current foreigner?

10:26 PM Friday, February 14, 2020 – Books- Ahmad Juma: Dr. Khaled Mujahid, Advisor to the Minister of Health and Population for Media Affairs, revealed the measures taken by the Ministry regarding persons in contact with a foreign person who is infected with the “corona emerging” virus. Mujahid said in statements to “Masrawy”, that “self-isolation … Read more

Health announces the first case of corona infection in Egypt for a foreign person

Health announces the first case of corona infection in Egypt for a foreign person

The Egyptian Ministry of Health and Population and the World Health Organization (WHO) announced today the discovery of the first positive case of a newborn Corona virus in the country for a “foreign” person. Dr. Khaled Mujahid, Advisor to the Minister of Health and Population for Media Affairs and the official spokesperson of the ministry, … Read more

“Carcinogen diapers and healthy cigarettes” … The government responds to 12 sexy rumors

“Carcinogen diapers and healthy cigarettes” … The government responds to 12 sexy rumors

Books – Osama Ali: The Media Center of the Council of Ministers denied today, Friday, several rumors circulated by some websites and social media pages, the most prominent of which were reported on the circulation of items of healthy cigarettes, the spread of children’s carcinogens in the markets, and the government’s intention to deprive the … Read more

Drugs and social drama in Porto “post-Aleixo” mobilize notables | Cheers

Drugs and social drama in Porto “post-Aleixo” mobilize notables | Cheers

When thinking about the past few months, university professor and essayist Rosa Maria Martelo realizes how she and other neighbors were “a little deluded”. In the vicinity of the demolished Aleixo neighborhood, the lives of the residents went smoothly, despite the drug traffic taking place within minutes of their homes every day and several consumers … Read more

Video .. Rania Youssef erred in the name of the Ministry of Health during the publicity of the campaign “Polio”

Video .. Rania Youssef erred in the name of the Ministry of Health during the publicity of the campaign “Polio”

Rania Youssef participates in the propaganda for the national campaign to vaccinate against polio, which is launched by the Ministry of Health during the period from 16 to 19 February, on the sidelines of her participation in the Aswan International Film Festival for Women in its fourth session, but the artist Rania Youssef during the … Read more

Anguish in Hong Kong: what if the coronavirus spreads through the pipes?

Anguish in Hong Kong: what if the coronavirus spreads through the pipes?

What if the coronavirus, now called Covid-19, was transmitted from one person to another by going up or down through the pipes of a building? The health authorities of Hong Kong do not want to leave any suspicion aside because the semi-autonomous territory of China remains traumatized by the epidemic of SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory … Read more

Antibiotic and eye drops .. Health warns of 3 drugs (operating numbers

Antibiotic and eye drops .. Health warns of 3 drugs (operating numbers

10:12 PM Tuesday 11 February 2020 – Books – Ahmed Jumaa: The Central Administration for Pharmaceutical Affairs of the Ministry of Health decided to seize and seize 3 medicinal preparations, which are an antibiotic and eye drops, because they do not conform to the specifications. The Pharmacy Administration issued a leaflet No. 1 of 2020, … Read more