Ministry of Health announces measures against Coronavirus

Ministry of Health announces measures against Coronavirus

The Ministry of Health (Minsa) announced the measures of care and prevention before the coronavirus: Nicaragua has not established, nor will it establish, any type of Quarantine. If there are cases with respiratory symptoms and an epidemiological link, that Person, or Persons, will be admitted to a Health Unit for study and follow-up. If there … Read more

“Tart and Farewell” … details of the final hours of the young Chinese man inside touched

“Tart and Farewell” … details of the final hours of the young Chinese man inside touched

12:22 am Friday 28 February 2020 – Books – Ahmed Jumaa: On Thursday, the Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization announced the recovery of the young Chinese who had been registered as the first case of the emerging coronavirus (Covid-19) inside the country, and his discharge from the isolation hospital after confirming the … Read more

Symptoms, course and infection of the disease

Symptoms, course and infection of the disease

The pathogen of a new lung disease has kept the world in suspense for weeks. Now the virus is spreading in Europe and Germany. Researchers explain how contagious the new corona virus is – and how dangerous. The number of infections caused by the novel corona virus is increasing steadily. New deaths are known every … Read more

Buzyn gets lost in hospital staff in Paris

Buzyn gets lost in hospital staff in Paris

Bombed overnight candidate for mayor of Paris, Agnès Buzyn takes her first steps in the electoral campaign and commits her first blunders. Asked about the hospital, which she was responsible for five days ago, the former Minister of Health attributed the crisis in the Parisian hospital world to Anne Hidalgo. “Nurses and caregivers have been … Read more

“The analysis is negative” … a new statement of health regarding Corona’s first case

“The analysis is negative” … a new statement of health regarding Corona’s first case

11:35 am Wednesday 19 February 2020 – Books- Ahmad Juma: The Ministry of Health, Population and the World Health Organization confirmed that the result of the “pcr” analysis of the foreign person – which was announced as the first case of the emerging coronavirus (COVID19) last Friday – that was conducted 48 hours after entering … Read more

After his negative review, how does the Chinese youth spend his day “sacking Corona”?

After his negative review, how does the Chinese youth spend his day “sacking Corona”?

03:15 PM Thursday 20 February 2020 – Books – Ahmed Jumaa: Medical sources revealed the details of dealing with the isolated foreign person at Al-Nujaila Hospital in Matruh, after the tests proved that he had become free from the emerging corona virus (COVID 19). Dr. Amjad Al-Khouli, an epidemiological consultant at the WHO regional office … Read more

Coronavirus: “Epidemics test the relationship between public authorities and the population”

Coronavirus: “Epidemics test the relationship between public authorities and the population”

The first death outside of the Asian continent of a patient with coronavirus occurred in France. It was the Minister of Health, Agnès Buzyn, who announced on Saturday the death of this patient, aged 80, who had been hospitalized since the end of January in Bichat (Paris XVIIIe). The state of health of this Chinese … Read more

How did the Ministry of Health deal with the first case of corona virus in Egypt?

How did the Ministry of Health deal with the first case of corona virus in Egypt?

Subscribe to receive the most important news – – Dr. Khaled Mujahid, adviser to the Minister of Health and Population for Media Affairs, the ministry’s spokesperson, said that strict precautionary measures had been taken with the first positive case of new HIV infection for a “foreign” person. “Mujahid” added that the necessary analyzes were performed … Read more

The Ministry of Health reveals the fate of the first case of corona in Egypt inside “a hospital

The Ministry of Health reveals the fate of the first case of corona in Egypt inside “a hospital

01:40 PM Saturday 15 February 2020 – Books – Ahmed Jumaa: Dr. Khaled Mujahid, Advisor to the Minister of Health for Media Affairs, said that the condition of the foreigner who is infected with the new coronavirus is currently stable and does not suffer from any symptoms. Yesterday, Friday, the Egyptian Ministry of Health and … Read more

How has the Ministry of Health revealed the professionalism of a foreign passenger who is infected with Corona virus? .. Video

How has the Ministry of Health revealed the professionalism of a foreign passenger who is infected with Corona virus? .. Video

Yesterday, Friday, the Egyptian Ministry of Health and Population and the World Health Organization announced the discovery of the first positive case of a new virus, Corona virus, emerging inside the country for a foreigner, “a Chinese citizen.” The seventh day reviews in an information video how did the Ministry of Health reveal with professionalism … Read more