The DPR wants to question the Horticultural Mafia from China, this is the answer from the Ministry of Agriculture

JAKARTA, – Chairman of Commission IV DPR RI Sudin questioned the name of a person entrepreneur originating from China who is suspected of being a “player” in importing products horticulture to Indonesia to the Director General Horticulture Ministry of Agriculture ( Ministry of Agriculture) Prihasto Setyanto. At a working meeting today, Wednesday (16/9/2020), the … Read more

Concerns that a reduction in by-catch quotas may at some point also stop herring fishing

Covis-19 is not the worst time for fishermen – during the pandemic, the demand for canned fish has grown and the price of herring has risen. However, there is a problem, which is pointed out in the Fisheries Department of the Ministry of Agriculture. The European Commission has radically reduced cod by-catch quotas in 2021. … Read more

Some Employees Are Positive Corona, Ministry of Agriculture Office Lockdown!

Jakarta – A number of employees at the Directorate General of Animal Husbandry and Animal Health, as well as the Directorate General of Plantation, Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) have confirmed positive corona virus (COVID-19) after going through the PCR test. This was confirmed directly by Acting Secretary of the PKH Directorate General, Makmun. “We have … Read more

Corona Positive Employee, Building C, Ministry of Agriculture, Ragunan Lockdown

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – A number of employees at the Directorate General (Ditjen) of Animal Husbandry and Animal Health of the Ministry of Agriculture were found to be positively infected with the corona virus (Covid-19). One of the buildings at the Ministry of Agriculture’s head office, Ragunan, South Jakarta, will be closed starting today. The … Read more

USA imports pigs from Portugal to produce “American Iberian ham” – World

The Ministry of Agriculture guaranteed this Thursday that it will not abdicate the defense of national products and producers, noting that it is following the alleged abuse of Iberian pork and ham in the USA, already contested by farmers. “The Ministry of Agriculture does not give up the defense of national products and their producers”, … Read more

Strawberry growers throughout Latvia are in dire need of berry readers

Strawberry growers all over Latvia urgently invite people who would be ready to participate in berry harvesting to respond. Acute lack of labor. If the berries or fruits rot in the field, it will mean not only immediate losses for farmers, but also difficulties in preparing for the new season. The Minister of Agriculture’s hopes … Read more

Ministry of Agriculture Ensures South Korean Enoki Mushrooms Are Out of the Market Page all

JAKARTA, – The Ministry of Agriculture makes sure mushroom enoki originating from the original Green Co Ltd manufacturer South Korea has not circulated in Indonesia. Mushroom enoki from the producer is proven tainted bakteri Listeria Monocytogenes. (Enoki mushroom from Korea South) This is definitely not on the market. We took a sample yesterday in … Read more

Akhbar Al-Youm today … World Health reveals the most 10 governorates infected with Corona in Egypt

Today, the seventh day has published many important news and reports over the past few hours, the most prominent of which is the report of the World Health Organization on the most 10 governorates leading the Koruna injuries in Egypt. World Health reveals the most 10 governorates topping corona infections in Egypt The World Health … Read more

“Carcinogen diapers and healthy cigarettes” … The government responds to 12 sexy rumors

Books – Osama Ali: The Media Center of the Council of Ministers denied today, Friday, several rumors circulated by some websites and social media pages, the most prominent of which were reported on the circulation of items of healthy cigarettes, the spread of children’s carcinogens in the markets, and the government’s intention to deprive the … Read more