Hundreds of shells and mines found in Berdyansk

Hundreds of shells and mines found in Berdyansk

Photo: GSChS Part of the discovered mines – – A dangerous find was found on the outskirts of the private sector of Berdyansk. The search for ammunition has not been completed. In the city of Berdyansk, Zaporozhye region, a large amount of ammunition from the Second World War was found. About it informs GSChS in … Read more

The OSCE named the main cause of the death of civilians in Donbass

The OSCE named the main cause of the death of civilians in Donbass

Photo: Unexploded ordnance kills Donbass civilians – – Civilians were killed and injured due to explosions during daily activities. Civilians on both sides of the contact line in the Donbas are dying mainly due to the detonation of unexploded ordnance. This is stated in the thematic report OSCE Special Monitoring Mission, published on Saturday … Read more

Cargo Ship belonging to Iran’s Revolutionary Guards attacked in the Red Sea

Cargo Ship belonging to Iran’s Revolutionary Guards attacked in the Red Sea

loading… TEHERAN – One cargo ship belonging to the Revolutionary Guards Iran (IRGC) was attacked in the Red Sea off the coast of Eritrea. Al Arabiya sources reported the incident on Tuesday (6/4) local time. Neither party has claimed the attack. However, an Israeli military analyst in late March said Israel had targeted Iranian oil … Read more

In Donbass, a soldier died during an explosion under the Noises

In Donbass, a soldier died during an explosion under the Noises

Photo: OOS forces are suffering losses again – – The soldier died as a result of detonation of an unknown explosive device. An investigation has begun. In the Shumov area of ​​the Donetsk region on Saturday, April 3, as a result of an explosion on an unknown explosive device, a soldier was killed, informs … Read more

Three fighters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine died on mines due to negligence – Office of the Prosecutor General

Three fighters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine died on mines due to negligence – Office of the Prosecutor General

Photo: Office of the Attorney General The place of death of three soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine near Novolugansk – – No measures were taken to mark and fence anti-tank mines on the road in the Novoluganskiy area with warning signs. The military prosecutor’s office of the Donetsk garrison reported suspicion to the … Read more

In Donbass, separatists mine roads

In Donbass, separatists mine roads

Photo: Reuters Separatists mine roads near settlements in Donbass – – The OSCE identified 33 mines planted near Yasnoye and 17 mines across the road near Sakhanka. Separatists mine roads near settlements in Donbass. About this with reference to the report of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission informs the press center of the JFO headquarters … Read more

Mali. Mines undermine Barkhane’s strength

Mali.  Mines undermine Barkhane’s strength

Two LAVs destroyed in one week and five French soldiers killed, another injured … light armored vehicle French units deployed in the Sahel constitute one of the prime targets of armed terrorist groups. While avoiding direct impact with the tricolor units, the jihadists try to limit the capacity for action and slow down the activity … Read more

Brexit: European fishermen out of the woods … for now

Brexit: European fishermen out of the woods … for now

“Our fishermen will not stay at the quayside on January 2.” This Friday, the presidents of the regions of Brittany and Normandy, Loïg Chesnais-Girard and Hervé Morin, joined forces to welcome the agreement on fisheries in the post-Brexit trade treaty between the European Union and the United Kingdom. United. Among the sticking points, this sector … Read more

Gold stocks outperform the precious metal … rose 100%

Gold stocks outperform the precious metal … rose 100%

Last updated: Tuesday 27 Muharram 1442 AH – September 15, 2020 KSA 19:16 – GMT 16:16 Publication date: Tuesday 27 Muharram 1442 AH – September 15, 2020 KSA 17:34 – GMT 14:34 Source: Dubai – Sherif Al Yamani – Although the Corona pandemic disrupted gold production, shares of companies producing the precious metal rose significantly … Read more