SBS Orders Dissolution of Savings and Credit Cooperatives due to Loss of Capital and Inactivity

SBS Orders Dissolution of Savings and Credit Cooperatives due to Loss of Capital and Inactivity

SBS continues to take dissolution measures against savings and credit cooperatives for different reasons such as inactivity or loss of capital. Photo: Andina The Superintendency of Banking, Insurance and AFP (SBS) ordered the dissolution of a new savings and credit cooperative due to the total loss of its share capital. This is Coopac Bienestar Perú, … Read more

“No authority can express themselves like this, less if you are Minister of Education”

The statements by the Minister of Education, Óscar Becerra, against a group of Aymara women who were exercising their right to protest are doubly unacceptable because they have under his responsibility the formation of citizens that interculturality should be sought, said, on La Mula TV, the former head of the Ministry of Education (Minedu), Patricia … Read more

COVID-19: they will promote vaccination of schoolchildren in regions that report low rates

During the 2023 school year, the Ministry of Education (Minedu) will promote the vaccination of students against COVID-19, mainly in regions that show slow progress in the application of the second and third doses. The objective is for children and adolescents to complete their vaccination schedule to prevent them from experiencing acute symptoms of the … Read more

School Year 2023: Minedu will promote vaccination of students against covid-19 | News

The Ministry of Education (Minedu) reported that it will promote, during the 2023 school year, the vaccination of students against covid-19, especially in the regions of the country because the application of the second and third doses is progressing slowly. The goal is for girls, boys and adolescents to complete their vaccination scheme to prevent … Read more

Free entry bill: find out which higher education centers you could access | Society

This June 30, the Executive approved the bill that provides for the free admission of public school students to different higher education entities; however, many believe that the measure will only reach universities. For this reason, in the following note, find out which educational centers you can enter as long as you are a high … Read more

Minedu: vaccination of children under 5 “was essential” for the return to face-to-face classes

Julisa Lozahead of Initial Education of the General Directorate of Regular Basic Education of the Ministry of Education (Minedu)pointed out today that the return to face-to-face classes at the initial level has been possible thanks to the “decision of mass vaccination of children under five years of age, teachers, assistants and administrators of educational services” … Read more

Minedu: COVID vaccination will not be mandatory for teachers to return to classes | PERU

Updated on 01/17/2022 03:08 pm – The Minister of Education said that vaccination against COVID-19 will be made mandatory as an essential requirement for teachers and administrative staff to return to schools, within the framework of the resumption of face-to-face classes. Rosendo Serna said that at least 95% of the educational community has received the … Read more

Minedu: Vaccination of young people will promote return to classrooms in universities and institutes

Vaccination of young people against COVID-19 It is important because it will allow to advance safely towards the return to face-to-face classes in universities and institutes, affirmed the Vice Minister of Pedagogical Management of the Ministry of Education (Minedu), Vanessa Toribio. “The beginning of youth vaccination process It is an opportunity to show the commitment … Read more

Blended classes: how to prepare my children for going back to school | News

Just days before the expected start of the blended classes in Metropolitan Lima, experts reminded parents to bear in mind that it is a gradual, safe and voluntary process for which it is also necessary to prepare. “The first thing that must be said is that it will not be a return to what was … Read more