Discovering the Milky Way’s Heartbeat: Scientists Uncover Cosmic Pulse Signal from Galactic Depths

Discovering the Milky Way’s Heartbeat: Scientists Uncover Cosmic Pulse Signal from Galactic Depths

Milky WayS Mysterious Radio Pulses Traced to white Dwarf Star System Table of Contents Milky WayS Mysterious Radio Pulses Traced to white Dwarf Star System A Close Encounter in Space Unearthing the Signal Insights from the scientists Conclusion Unlocking the Cosmos: A White Dwarf’s Mysterious Radio Heartbeat Unlocking the Cosmos: A White DwarfS Mysterious Radio … Read more

Stephan’s Quintet: A Galaxy Collision Mystery Unveiled

Stephan’s Quintet: A Galaxy Collision Mystery Unveiled

Cosmic Crash: ⁢Galaxies Collide in stunning New Discovery Table of Contents Cosmic Crash: ⁢Galaxies Collide in stunning New Discovery Unveiling the Secrets of Stephan’s Quintet The Far-Reaching Effects of Galactic Collisions Ancient Galaxy Cluster Unveiled: Stunning⁤ New Details Revealed Unprecedented Detail and​ Future research Cosmic Crash: Galaxies‌ Collide in stunning ‍Discovery Millions of years ago, … Read more

Star LP 40-365: Milky Way Escape Confirmed

Star LP 40-365: Milky Way Escape Confirmed

Cosmic Relic: LP 40-365, a star born from supernova’s Ashes Table of Contents Cosmic Relic: LP 40-365, a star born from supernova’s Ashes Cosmic Rebirth: Exploring‍ the ⁣Supernova Remnant LP 40-365 The Aftermath of a Cosmic Explosion Unraveling the ⁣Stellar​ Past ⁣A Cosmic Phoenix Deep within ‍the cosmos, a unique‍ star named LP 40-365 holds … Read more

Voyager-1 Space Probe Stops Sending Signals after 46 Years: Historic Update from NASA

Voyager-1 Space Probe Stops Sending Signals after 46 Years: Historic Update from NASA

Compiled by: Oğuzcan Atış / – The Voyager-1 space probe, which was sent into space by the American Space and Aviation Administration (NASA) in 1977 within the scope of the Voyager program, stopped sending signals to the Earth once again after 46 years. Authorities announced that efforts are continuing to re-establish contact with Voyager-1, … Read more

It is 321 million light years away from Earth! Scientists discover ‘star stream’ outside galaxies

It is 321 million light years away from Earth!  Scientists discover ‘star stream’ outside galaxies

“This giant current crossed our path by chance,” Javier Román, an astrophysicist at the Canary Islands Institute of Astrophysics, said in a statement. The team was initially studying the halos of stars scattered around the Coma Cluster in order to measure the dark matter surrounding the galaxy group, when they came across their signatures. MYNET … Read more

Astronomers have discovered a giant planet. They were amazed that it could orbit such a small star |

Astronomers have discovered a giant planet.  They were amazed that it could orbit such a small star |

Astronomers have discovered a giant planet that, according to current knowledge, should be too big for its home star. Yet it orbits around her. The exoplanet is thirteen times larger than Earth, which according to scientists is remarkable in itself, but what is really interesting is its combination with a very cold red dwarf, nine … Read more

Earth was hit by a super powerful Amaterasu particle that came out of nowhere

Earth was hit by a super powerful Amaterasu particle that came out of nowhere

Astrophysicists discovered the particle in May of this year and now it described in the scientific journal Science. She claims that her revelation is, without exaggeration, groundbreaking. This cosmic ray particle surpasses the energy that can be developed in terrestrial accelerators more than a million times. The unprecedented energy it exhibited is approximately 40 million … Read more

New solar system discovered in the Milky Way – Breaking News from Technology – Sözcü

New solar system discovered in the Milky Way – Breaking News from Technology – Sözcü

Astronomers have discovered a solar system that has managed to exist for billions of years without being exposed to external factors and moves in complete synchronization. NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) and the European Space Agency’s CHEOPS Telescope were used to explore the solar system. 100 LIGHT YEARS AWAY This solar system, located in … Read more

The Wonders of the Milky Way Galaxy: A Journey Through Astronomical Numbers and Facts.

The Wonders of the Milky Way Galaxy: A Journey Through Astronomical Numbers and Facts.

Jongjin Park There is a famous nursery rhyme called Half Moon that begins with ‘Blue Sky Milky Way’. The Milky Way, which appears in the first line of the song, is the name of the galaxy we belong to. In addition to the Milky Way, there are scientifically estimated 2 trillion galaxies in this universe. … Read more

Scientists have discovered an oasis of calm near a black hole. The conditions there enable the formation of stars — ČT24 — Czech Television

Scientists have discovered an oasis of calm near a black hole.  The conditions there enable the formation of stars — ČT24 — Czech Television

Scientists have studied the X3a star using all the instruments at their disposal. The analysis of its spectrum shows that it is the heaviest and at the same time the youngest star that has so far been discovered right in the heart of the Milky Way. At the same time, it turned out that it … Read more