Calvados. What future for migrants after confinement?

Calvados. What future for migrants after confinement?

Marie-Jeanne Gobert, Normandy regional councilor of the PCF-Front group on the left and municipal councilor of Caen, calls out the prefect of Calvados in an open letter. “The conditions for accommodation for migrants particularly exposed to the disease have been met in Koenig (the release center), in Bretteville-sur-Laize, and at the Tailleville accommodation center. Containment … Read more

Covid-19. Migrant workers sprayed with disinfectant in India

Covid-19. Migrant workers sprayed with disinfectant in India

Thousands of migrant workers and families have returned home and to their original lands, after having been decreed by the Indian Government last Thursday, a total confinement regime for 21 days – as a preventive measure for the spread of Covid-19 – and that thousands of people were, as a result, without a job. Although … Read more

US discusses plan to immediately return migrants: AP

US discusses plan to immediately return migrants: AP

San Diego.- The government of U.S weighs a plan to immediately return to Mexico to all people who cross the southern border illegally due to the pandemic of coronavirusTwo US government officials reported Tuesday. Also read: China claims to have “successfully” developed a coronavirus vaccine Federal authorities are still weighing whether to implement the ban … Read more

He was four years old and died a victim of the diplomatic game

He was four years old and died a victim of the diplomatic game

Ivete Carneiro Today at 08:25– There will be no image of this child, as there was of Alan Kurdi’s tiny body, blue shorts and a red shirt, hunched over himself on a Turkish beach. This four-year-old child drowned a few meters off the coast of the Greek island of Lesbos when – it is said … Read more

Turkey will not stop migrants currently trying to get to Europe

Turkey will not stop migrants currently trying to get to Europe

Turkish media said migrant groups were heading for the border with Greece in western Turkey on Friday morning. – TheTurkey will no longer prevent migrants trying to get to Europe from crossing the border, a senior Turkish official told AFP on Friday. The decision to “open the doors” was taken during an extraordinary security council … Read more

Mafia of carriers revealed that assaults migrants in northern Mexico

Mafia of carriers revealed that assaults migrants in northern Mexico

Mexico. A taxi drivers mafia and inspectors of public transport in the city of Monterrey, in the northern state of Nuevo León, assault Mexican migrants They are legally going to work in the United States, according to an investigation of the process. With the testimony of consular authorities and representatives of the victims of robberies, … Read more

Migrants, shield for ministers. «Avoid another Salvini case»

Migrants, shield for ministers. «Avoid another Salvini case»

Barring the way for a new “case Salvini” to the Interior Ministryor rather the way in which the secretary of the League intended to play the role of minister. Other than “full powers”. The mission of the new government is to “desalinate” the interior ministry. Two days ago at the majority summit in Palazzo Chigi … Read more