Eight Indian Nationals Detained for Illegal Border Crossing in Estonia

Eight Indian Nationals Detained for Illegal Border Crossing in Estonia

The events started on Thursday at 8:30 a.m., when local residents informed the police that eight people who looked like foreigners had been spotted at the Veretin intersection. On the same day, border guards detained a group of foreigners near the village of Masluva, about 1.5 kilometers from the temporary control line. All eight are … Read more

Migrant Clash at Sadovod Market in Moscow Leads to Dozens Arrested

Migrant Clash at Sadovod Market in Moscow Leads to Dozens Arrested

Dozens of migrants surrounded police officers near the Sadovod market to free their fellow countryman detained by security forces. On Friday, December 15, at the entrance to the Moscow market “Sadovod” there was a mass clash involving migrants and police. The incident occurred after the police tried to detain the driver, a citizen of Tajikistan, … Read more

Finland Closes Border Crossings Again Amid Surge of Undocumented Migrants from Russia

Finland Closes Border Crossings Again Amid Surge of Undocumented Migrants from Russia

Finland on Thursday opened the Valima and Nyral border crossings, which were closed at the end of last month along with six other border crossings on the border with Russia. However, already on the same day, Finland announced that the Valima and Niral points will be closed again and will remain closed until January 14. … Read more

Federal government once again denies help to New York for the immigration crisis: Mayor Adams declares himself upset

Federal government once again denies help to New York for the immigration crisis: Mayor Adams declares himself upset

Read transcript did not meet with the presidentand they say there is a lack of commitment.Let’s see what the girl asks formigrant community.reporter: thank you and goodnights.a neighbor from the place who bringsclothes and food says nounderstand why the governmentfederal government gave him economic aid>> called for a demonstrationpeaceful. we are 100,000 en newYork affected.reporter: … Read more

Controversy Over UK Immigration Bill and Asylum Seekers Sent to Rwanda: Jenrick’s Resignation and Strong Disagreements with Government

Controversy Over UK Immigration Bill and Asylum Seekers Sent to Rwanda: Jenrick’s Resignation and Strong Disagreements with Government

Jenrick told British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak that the government’s new bill, which aims to reduce illegal immigration and send asylum seekers who have come to Britain illegally to Rwanda, was a “triumph of hope over experience” and was not broad enough. Jenrick said his resignation was prompted by strong disagreements with the government over … Read more

Finland’s Withdrawal from Cross-Border Cooperation Agreement with Russia and Increase in Illegal Migrants

Finland’s Withdrawal from Cross-Border Cooperation Agreement with Russia and Increase in Illegal Migrants

Finland’s withdrawal from the agreement will take effect on January 24 of next year, when the currently valid agreement expires. The document on withdrawing from the agreement states that “the agreement was terminated at the initiative of the other party, therefore only the decision on the entry into force of the agreement can be annulled”. … Read more

New York City migrant services on the chopping block in second round of budget cuts

New York City migrant services on the chopping block in second round of budget cuts

NEW YORK — With New Yorkers still reeling from the first round of city budget cutsincluding a dramatic cut in the number of officers, there’s word of a second round of belt tightening, and this time, migrant services are on the chopping block. To be blunt, asylum seekers arriving in New York City are in … Read more

Mayor Adams announces cuts to NYC budget: blames massive influx of asylum seekers into city

Mayor Adams announces cuts to NYC budget: blames massive influx of asylum seekers into city

Read transcript They destroyed how the day isday of New Yorkers.“in univison 41” we analyzethe numbers and the future of thesociety with these cuts.is the mayor’s announcementnew york city whoblame the massive arrival ofasylum seekers fromlast months likeresponsible that the citygo through problemsfinancial.Aranza announces that his imitationthat’s ordering in this oneNovember a difficult decision.a 5% … Read more

Little Senegal: A Taste of Senegal in New York’s 116th Street

Little Senegal: A Taste of Senegal in New York’s 116th Street

Restaurant with tiéboudiène and à la carte mafé, afro hairdressing shops, double-file taxis during a lunch break, all with a soundtrack mixing Wolof, English and French. 116th Street in New York, in the south of Harlem, is a bit like Little Senegal. Established in the neighborhood since 1989, the Association of Senegalese Americans (ASA) is … Read more