Investigation into Midges Spreading Bluetongue Virus in the Netherlands

Investigation into Midges Spreading Bluetongue Virus in the Netherlands

NOS – Joris van Poppel NOS Nieuws•vandaag, 17:14 Francien Intema Domestic editor Francien Intema Domestic editor Will the midges that spread the bluetongue virus in the Netherlands disappear this winter? Or will they still be present in stables, for example? The Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA) has started an investigation to get … Read more

The Origins and Transmission of the Bluetongue Virus: Insights from Experts at Wageningen Bioveterinary Research

The Origins and Transmission of the Bluetongue Virus: Insights from Experts at Wageningen Bioveterinary Research

The bluetongue virus is said to have come to the Netherlands on a train that transports household waste from Italy to Amsterdam. This is what Sieta van Keimpema of Farmers Defense Force suggests. However, the virus type prevalent in the Netherlands is not the same as the Italian type and the Dutch type is also … Read more

EHD Outbreaks and Prevention Measures in Europe: Latest Updates and Implications

EHD Outbreaks and Prevention Measures in Europe: Latest Updates and Implications

The viral disease epizootic haemorrhagic disease (EHD) has been diagnosed in a five-month-old calf near Bern, Switzerland. The disease first emerged last year in Italy, Spain and Portugal. The disease was first confirmed in France on September 21. There the disease has spread in a large area north of the Pyrenees. More than fifty companies … Read more

“EHD in Cattle: First Case Found in Europe Transmitted by Midges”

“EHD in Cattle: First Case Found in Europe Transmitted by Midges”

Epizootic haemorrhagic disease (EHD) has been identified in cattle for the first time in Europe. That says the French food agency Anses. Like bluetongue, the disease is transmitted by midges. The disease was first found in Europe in October 2022 in Sardinia and has affected several herds in Italy and Spain, reports. EHD, first … Read more