Possible tropical cyclone number 6 could bring rain to South Florida | Video | Univision 23 Miami WLTV

Possible tropical cyclone number 6 could bring rain to South Florida | Video | Univision 23 Miami WLTV

Read transcript madison: let’s talk about the topicbecause we have the possibletropical storm 6 of theseason, this term is possiblesystem does not finishdevelop thosetropical characteristics,but it is very close to land,It is expected to be a systemimpacts and to issue theweather warning iscalls a possible cyclonetropical 6, moving northnorthwest and will approach thesouthern porcón of … Read more

He had blood on his head: Couple arrested for bad behavior on flight in Miami | Video | Univision 23 Miami WLTV

He had blood on his head: Couple arrested for bad behavior on flight in Miami | Video | Univision 23 Miami WLTV

Read transcript evacuated.Jany Gonzalez is our one.Both passengers face twocharges, one for trespassingproperty and the other byresisting arrest.They had to anywayeveryone will come down.mira, él esá operado, esánewly operatedJany: between screams andresistance, there yuleidisThey were arrested for misdemeanorbehavior within aAmerican Airlines flight.[llanto]I can’t raise my arms.jany: the incident wasbroadcast live on tik tokthrough the profile … Read more