8 amazing effects on your body when you eat cucumber daily

8 amazing effects on your body when you eat cucumber daily

2:00 pm Wednesday 23 September 2020 – I wrote – Nour Ibrahim: Cucumber contains nutrients suitable for the body, which helps in proper blood transfusion, promotes metabolism and regulates the temperature when consumed regularly daily. The benefits of cucumber are also due to its low number of calories and a large proportion of water. The … Read more

14 Tips to Boost Body Metabolism

14 Tips to Boost Body Metabolism

Liputan6.com, Jakarta Diet or adjusting the diet can be a key in increasing metabolism which plays an important role in weight loss. Metabolism is the process of converting food into energy. “Even when you sleep, your body needs energy for things like breathing and repairing damaged cells,” says Donald Hensrud, MD, medical director of the … Read more