The Benefits of Local Coconut Oil: Boosting Immunity, Supporting Digestion, Balancing Cholesterol, and More

Illustration of local coconut oil. Photo: St, JAKARTA – ADA various types of healthy oils that you can use to maintain a healthy body and skin. One of them is coconut oil. Coconut oil is a vegetable oil that comes from the flesh of the coconut fruit. READ ALSO: Especially for women, these are … Read more

Boost your metabolism for weight loss through increased protein intake, adequate water consumption, exercise, and proper sleep. Age, activity level, and hormones also affect metabolism.

Boost your metabolism for weight loss through increased protein intake, adequate water consumption, exercise, and proper sleep. Age, activity level, and hormones also affect metabolism.

When it comes to weight loss, many of us focus solely on diet and exercise, but there’s another factor that is often overlooked: sleep. Research suggests that not getting enough sleep can negatively impact our metabolism and contribute to weight gain. In this article, we’ll dive into the connection between sleep and metabolism, and offer … Read more

Obesity is not just an excess of fat cells, but adverse effects on the brain, metabolism, and immunity… Corona infection severity ↑

Obesity is not just an excess of fat cells, but adverse effects on the brain, metabolism, and immunity…  Corona infection severity ↑

Photo = Getty Image Bank. [메디게이트뉴스 서민지 기자] While obesity is known to increase the severity of COVID-19 infection and contribute to an increase in the incidence and mortality of complications, analysis suggests that this is due to the characteristics of obesity such as leptin resistance regulating the immune system, promoting insulin resistance, increasing ACE2 … Read more

7 Health Benefits of Routine Consumption of Quail Eggs

7 Health Benefits of Routine Consumption of Quail Eggs

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Quail eggs are small eggs produced by quails. Even though they are small in size, quail eggs are full of nutrients that are good for the body. Collect Style CrazeQuail eggs are rich in calories, fatty acids, good cholesterol, sodium, and protein. Also provides vitamin D, calcium, iron, potassium, antioxidants, vitamins A … Read more

5 ways to increase body metabolism

5 ways to increase body metabolism, Jakarta – Processes metabolism the body goes on all the time whether it’s sleeping, breathing, pumping blood throughout the body, or repairing your cells. As you do this, your body burns a certain number of calories. This is called the basal or resting metabolic rate which is described as the amount of energy the … Read more

To Accelerate Weight Loss .. 6 Healthy Alternatives That Will Make Your Weight Loss Journey Easier

To Accelerate Weight Loss .. 6 Healthy Alternatives That Will Make Your Weight Loss Journey Easier

Diet is one of the most important factors when it comes to overall health as wellWeight loss Most importantly, from eating well to exercising, etc., there is a lot a person needs to do to lose extra pounds and reduce waist circumference naturally. However, at a time when most people are relying on processed, packaged … Read more

British researchers named a drink that decreases the threat of loss of life

British researchers named a drink that decreases the threat of loss of life

Image: Suitable use of tea prolongs life – – The outcomes were being the very same irrespective of the genetic variants that have an impact on the metabolic process level of caffeine in people. Details from the British Biobank showed that people who drink two or more cups of black tea a day have … Read more

Thin? The following are the causes of difficulty in gaining weight

Thin?  The following are the causes of difficulty in gaining weight

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Some people have difficulty adding body weight. Moreover, increasing the number of weight, can maintain it is already difficult. Why do people find it difficult to gain weight? The Healthline page states that there are several medical conditions and treatments that cause weight loss and difficulty gaining weight, although genetics plays a … Read more

Risk of fracture is in the blood – Medical Tribune

Risk of fracture is in the blood – Medical Tribune

In addition to general factors such as previous fractures or a corresponding family history, disease-specific risk factors increase the risk of bone fractures in people with diabetes. Caution is therefore required, especially in the case of prolonged diabetes, an unfavorable metabolic situation, insulin therapy or late complications from diabetes. – The main reason why, for … Read more