Fighting coronavirus: Remdesivir is considered a promising drug against Covid-19

Fighting coronavirus: Remdesivir is considered a promising drug against Covid-19

Researchers report first successes in animal experiments with the remdesivir agent in the fight against coronavirus. of afp April 18, 2020, 3:09 p.m. – – Washington | In a small-scale experiment on monkeys, the first treatment successes with remdesivir against coronavirus-induced lung disease Covid-19 were shown. As scientists commissioned by the US government announced on … Read more

Mosquito season is approaching: can mosquitoes transmit the corona virus?

Mosquito season is approaching: can mosquitoes transmit the corona virus?

Can mosquitoes transmit the coronavirus after sucking blood from infected people? A researcher explains. Exclusively forshz + users – – Avatar_shz of Mark Otten April 18, 2020, 9:13 a.m. – – Müncheberg | A mosquito sucks blood from a person who has been infected with the novel corona virus and flies away. Not only is … Read more

Seniors Center Am Inselpark: Coronavirus: Healthy residents are evacuated from retirement homes

Seniors Center Am Inselpark: Coronavirus: Healthy residents are evacuated from retirement homes

Because 60 seniors have Covid-19, healthy residents are now being transferred to hospitals for safety. Exclusively forshz + users – – Avatar_shz of blue light news April 17, 2020, 4:04 p.m. – – Hamburg | As a result of a request for assistance from the authority for health and social affairs, around 40 people in … Read more

Jungfrau Zeitung – 500 times brighter than usual

Record supernova | April 14, 2020 Astronomers have spotted the most massive star explosion ever recorded. The supernova with the catalog number SN2016aps was about ten times more energetic than normal star explosions of this type and shone about 500 times brighter. Such a star explosion has never been recorded. The exploded star was probably … Read more

Whatsapp on the side of the infidels; This is how messages are sent that self-delete once they have been read

Whatsapp on the side of the infidels; This is how messages are sent that self-delete once they have been read

– Whatsapp on the side of the infidels; This is how messages are sent that self-delete once they have been read | UNSPLASH – – – Whatsapp on the side of the infidels; This is how messages are sent that self-delete once they have been read. As every year, the platform of Whatsapp messaging It … Read more

It will be critical in autumn, that’s for sure: is Germany ready for the second wave of corona?

It will be critical in autumn, that’s for sure: is Germany ready for the second wave of corona?

The situation should relax in summer. But many experts fear that the virus might strike properly in autumn. Exclusively forSVZ + users – – of Tobias Schmidt March 07, 2020, 8:32 a.m. – – Berlin | By summer: Within a week and a half, the number of infected people in Germany has skyrocketed to more … Read more