Where are the cars made: Brands are far from staying at home

Where are the cars made: Brands are far from staying at home

Globalization is also moving the world of engines. Few brands strictly adhere to their native lumps. It has not been true for a long time that Škoda is Czech, Audi German, Fiat Italian and so on. See where cars sold on the Czech market are made. – Despite the general awareness of sharing development costs, … Read more

The boycott of the Belgian Grand Prix does not fall on the scales, Hamilton said

The boycott of the Belgian Grand Prix does not fall on the scales, Hamilton said

Lewis Hamilton of Mercedes with a trophy for all of the F1 Grand Prix of Spain. | photo: AP – It is sad that something is needed to get things moving. But it is in America and I do not know how I can influence what I say here, the BBC server quoted Hamilton as … Read more

Mercedes-Amg Project One: what a sound the Hamilton approved hybrid car! Photo and video

Mercedes-Amg Project One: what a sound the Hamilton approved hybrid car!  Photo and video

On the Immendingen circuit the tests of the hybrid hypercar with over 1,000 hp obtained by the powertrain derived from the experience in Formula 1. 275 specimens approved for the road Track tests continue on the car that most of all represents the “bridge” between Mercedes’ commitment to Formula 1 and the production of (dream) … Read more

Nokia sued Mercedes-Benz for use of 4G technology

Nokia sued Mercedes-Benz for use of 4G technology

It happened in Germany: Nokia sued (and beat) Mercedes-Benz for not paying licenses to use this technology. The rights to use 4G technology allowed Nokia to sue Mercedes-Benz in Germany. In accordance with Bloomberg, the communications company asked Daimler, the carmaker’s parent company, to pay for licenses. Daimler also infringed on the telecommunications company’s mobile … Read more

European Sedan Discount Translucent Rp. 200 Million Page all

European Sedan Discount Translucent Rp. 200 Million Page all

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – Corona virus pandemic has a significant impact on the automotive industry. Car sales plummeted, a number of dealers even had to give large discounts to attract consumers. Even towards the end of June, car stock with a Vehicle Identification Number (NIK) 2019 is still available. Especially for European cars that are priced … Read more

Union newspaper – Mercedes to resume production in Argentina

Union newspaper – Mercedes to resume production in Argentina

German Mercedes-Benz Motor Company has resumed production in Argentina after a hiatus of more than two months due to the Corona pandemic. The company announced that it had resumed production, today, Tuesday, at its plant in Perry del Pino in the province of Buenos Aires, indicating that it will start operating with a single shift … Read more

Auto manufacturers prepare to reopen amid pandemic

Auto manufacturers prepare to reopen amid pandemic

The North American automotive sector is accelerating preparations for the restart of its factories in the region, taking advantage of the impatience of the American president, Donald trump, for reopening the economy of his country, paralyzed by the COVID-19 pandemic. On Thursday, Trump announced the roadmap to restart the US economy after “passing the peak … Read more

“Not ten but fifteen thousand layoffs at Daimler due to spending cuts” | NOW

At Daimler, the parent company of Mercedes-Benz, more jobs are at risk than previously assumed. It is possible that not ten but fifteen thousand jobs will be lost in the coming years, sources within the German company report Monday Handelsblatt. Daimler will announce the definitive measures on Tuesday according to the business newspaper. The concern … Read more

Diesel scandal: Daimler again costs up to 1.5 billion euros – economy

Diesel scandal: Daimler again costs up to 1.5 billion euros – economy

Again up to one and a half billion euros! The diesel affair costs the car maker Daimler significantly more than previously thought. For 2019, an additional 1.1 to 1.5 billion euros in additional costs is expected, the group said on Wednesday in Stuttgart. It is about “expected additional expenses for ongoing administrative and judicial proceedings … Read more