Cincinnati Survey: 54% Believe AI Can Aid Mental Health Crisis

Cincinnati Survey: 54% Believe AI Can Aid Mental Health Crisis

As part of a yearlong investigation into how ⁢schools are leveraging artificial intelligence to identify students struggling with mental​ health, The Enquirer reached⁣ out to nearly 100 individuals within​ the Cincinnati community. Our outreach included an online survey and a public listening session held ‍at ​a local library. Participants represented a diverse range of perspectives,including … Read more

What is DID, dissociative identity disorder?

What is DID, dissociative identity disorder?

getStringy text Once considered multiple personality disorder, dissociative identity disorder (DID) is a complex mental health condition that continues to be shrouded in misunderstanding. Affecting a small percentage of the population, DID is characterized by the presence of two or more distinct identities or “alters” within a single individual. “Each alter can have their own … Read more

Urinating Outdoors Doesn’t Mean Mental Illness

Urinating Outdoors Doesn’t Mean Mental Illness

Could Pee Be Plant Food? Reader Challenges Advice on Urinary Etiquette A recent question to advice columnist Eric Thomas sparked a debate about the propriety of urinating outdoors, particularly when it comes to fertilizing plants. One reader, "Plant Lover," took issue with Thomas’s response to a letter writer whose husband had a habit of relieving … Read more

The Making of a Monster: How Childhood Shapes Narcissism and the Path to Destruction

The Making of a Monster: How Childhood Shapes Narcissism and the Path to Destruction

Understanding the behavior of people who suffer from a personality disorder is often very challenging for those around them. Accepting that they behave like this, not because they are like that by nature, but because they are just sick, is not easy at all. Society often looks down on them, and the potential for professional … Read more

Mental Health Day: prevention and promotion activity for secondary school students

Mental Health Day: prevention and promotion activity for secondary school students

Health Mental Health Day: prevention and promotion activity for secondary school students Within the framework of World Mental Health Day, a workshop was held for secondary school students with the aim of promoting care in relation to the issue. Every October 10, World Mental Health Day is celebrated, a date that is configured as an … Read more

Marti Benza opens up about mental health: “I’ve been dealing with it since I was 12”

Marti Benza opens up about mental health: “I’ve been dealing with it since I was 12”

The successful youtuber and host of “Afternoon of discussion” by Luzu TV, Marty Benzahad a conversation with the journalist María Laura Santillán, in which she spoke about her rise to fame and stressed the importance of Protecting mental health with the help of professionals. Read also: Cami Jara was absent from the last Tarde de … Read more

‘De Viernes’ will interview Maite Galdeano after the passing of Sofía Suescun, despite the warnings about her mental health

‘De Viernes’ will interview Maite Galdeano after the passing of Sofía Suescun, despite the warnings about her mental health

Love Galdeano will be interviewed in From Friday On August 30th, the Navarrese will attend the program Telecinco to talk about “all the problems” he has had with his daughter, Sofia Suescunand with his son-in-law, Kiko Jimenezin recent weeks. Ana Rosa surprisingly announces the signing of Escassi as a collaborator, after that of María José … Read more

Sydney attack perpetrator had been struggling with mental health for years

Sydney attack perpetrator had been struggling with mental health for years

stabbing The perpetrator of the murderous stabbing at a Sydney shopping center, Joel Cauchi, was a 40-year-old wanderer with mental difficulties and an unusual interest in knives. The murderous knife attack in the Westfield Shopping Center in the Australian capital Sydney was the work of 40-year-old Joel Cauchi, police report. The man was single, unemployed … Read more

Rare Condition Causes Man to See Distorted ‘Demon-Like’ Faces: A Look into Prosopometamorphopsia (PMO)

Rare Condition Causes Man to See Distorted ‘Demon-Like’ Faces: A Look into Prosopometamorphopsia (PMO)

Woman finds relief from rare facial distortion condition Victor Sharrah had always been a social person, but for the past three years, he’s found himself more withdrawn. That’s because ever since he woke up one day in November 2020, Sharrah, 59, has been seeing people’s faces distorted or as he put it like “demons.” “I … Read more