“Apple CEO Tim Cook Finds Mental Reset in Nature, and You Can Too”

“Apple CEO Tim Cook Finds Mental Reset in Nature, and You Can Too”

When it comes to leadership and success, maintaining a clear and focused mind is crucial. And for Apple CEO Tim Cook, one strategy has proven to be the most effective in achieving that mental clarity. In a recent interview, Cook shared what he believes is the easiest and most effective way to clear his head … Read more

Babies born via C-section lack diversity in microbiome, but breastfeeding can help them form a similar microbiome to natural births.

Babies born via C-section lack diversity in microbiome, but breastfeeding can help them form a similar microbiome to natural births.

There is a general perception that children born by caesarean section have weaker immunity than those born naturally. A child born through natural childbirth gets a ‘microbiome’ from the mother when it comes out of the world, but it is difficult for a child born through caesarean section to go through this process. During childbirth, … Read more

Can Juice Harm Your Liver? Exploring 3 Foods That Negatively Affect Liver Health.

Can Juice Harm Your Liver? Exploring 3 Foods That Negatively Affect Liver Health.

The role of the liver is varied and complex. It is involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins in the body, and also acts to detoxify drugs and harmful substances. One of the main functions of the liver is to make bile acids necessary for digestion. As it plays various roles, you need to … Read more

Managing Intestinal Metaplasia: An Interview on How to Reduce the 10-Fold Increased Risk of Gastric Cancer.

Managing Intestinal Metaplasia: An Interview on How to Reduce the 10-Fold Increased Risk of Gastric Cancer.

tooth[인터뷰] Gastroenterology Director Lee Sang-hwantoothIntestinal metaplasia, a precancerous lesion that can lead to gastric cancertoothOnce it happens, there is no going back… only to prevent further progress Gastric cancer ranks third in the incidence of cancer worldwide. The situation in the country is not much different. Although the incidence of gastric cancer has declined over … Read more

“Debunking the Myth of Muscle Loss from Skipping Exercise for a Day: Separating Fact from Fiction” [건강톡톡]

“Debunking the Myth of Muscle Loss from Skipping Exercise for a Day: Separating Fact from Fiction” [건강톡톡]

Among health people (人), there are people who feel anxious if they miss a day of exercise. It is because of the thought that muscle loss will occur. But this is not true. Rather, overexertion can cause muscle loss. In order to correct this misunderstanding, I looked into muscle loss with a Haidak exercise expert. … Read more

“Three Things Your Child Must Attend to Prior to Midterm Exams”

“Three Things Your Child Must Attend to Prior to Midterm Exams”

April is the month of midterm exams, the first test of the new semester for middle and high school students. This first test score becomes an expectation for learning achievement and oneself for the next year and further in middle and high school. So, the midterm exam, the first exam of the first semester of … Read more

Managing and treating fatty liver: The importance of proactive care even in the absence of symptoms [Health Column by Hwang Soo-kyung]

Managing and treating fatty liver: The importance of proactive care even in the absence of symptoms [Health Column by Hwang Soo-kyung]

| Fatty liver, more than 30% increase in new patients in 4 years| If you have metabolic syndrome, such as diabetes or obesity, be careful.| Director Jeon Baek-gyu “If you have been diagnosed with fatty liver, you should treat it instead of neglecting it” [내레이션 : 황수경 아나운서] Fatty liver is a representative liver disease. … Read more

“Underestimating Sarcopenia: A Neglected Condition that Leads to Severe Consequences”

“Underestimating Sarcopenia: A Neglected Condition that Leads to Severe Consequences”

‘Muscles’ located in all parts of the body where movement is possible. It is responsible for the movement and manipulation of our body and allows us to maintain our posture. It is also the role of muscles to move the heart and internal organs. As such, muscles affect the entire body, so when muscle mass … Read more

The full picture of youth mental health is seldom captured by statistics | Health

The full picture of youth mental health is seldom captured by statistics | Health

Stress, loneliness and suicidal thoughts: study after study pinpoints the fragile mental health of young adults. But although it is good that it receives regular attention, we should not be blinded by new statistics, say experts. Neem een maandagavond gepubliceerd onderzoek van de GGD. Meer dan de helft van de 16- tot en met 25-jarigen … Read more

Rewritten: Investigating Static Electricity during Spring Season: Does Physical Appearance Play a Role?

Rewritten: Investigating Static Electricity during Spring Season: Does Physical Appearance Play a Role?

When you open a car door or refrigerator door, there is a moment when the nerves that tingle are straightened. Static electricity is particularly common during the change of seasons when the air is dry like these days. In general, it is said that 1 in 4 people suffer from static electricity. There are times … Read more