Early Detection and Treatment of Uterine Cancer: A Survivor’s Journey

Early Detection and Treatment of Uterine Cancer: A Survivor’s Journey

Jakarta – A woman in London, England thought she was experiencing menopause symptoms but it turned out she had stage three uterine cancer. Initially she noticed a slight change in her menstrual cycle since 2017. At the end of 2018, this woman named Reija Silllianpaa (37) experienced a worsening condition. She experienced other symptoms, such … Read more

Nutritional Deficiencies and Menstrual Irregularities: The Impact of Four Major Nutrients on Women’s Health

Nutritional Deficiencies and Menstrual Irregularities: The Impact of Four Major Nutrients on Women’s Health

When women have menstruation, they may experience symptoms such as less menstrual blood, irregular menstrual periods, amenorrhea, or incomplete excretion. Be careful that these are menstrual disorders. Are you worried that it will cause any gynecological diseases? Nutritionist Cai Yixuan said that in fact, low menstrual blood volume and irregular menstrual periods may be related … Read more

Can Eating Pineapple During Menstruation Help Launch Menstruation and Relieve Cramps?

Can Eating Pineapple During Menstruation Help Launch Menstruation and Relieve Cramps?

Mom’s Life Arina Yulistara Haibunda Wednesday, 05 Jul 2023 22:20 WIB Maybe Mother has heard that eating pineapple during menstruation can induce menstruation. Is that true? Let’s find out the facts, Mother. Pineapple is a fruit that is rich in vitamin C. Mothers can eat pineapple during menstruation which is claimed to reduce pain due … Read more

“8 Menstrual Taboos: What Women Should Avoid During Their Period”

“8 Menstrual Taboos: What Women Should Avoid During Their Period”

There are many myths and taboos about women’s menstrual cramps, such as can teeth be extracted during menstruation? Can I have sex during my period? Can menstrual period eat ice? Are any of these behaviors dangerous? Generally speaking, “good friends” will visit once a month. On those special days, women must learn to take care … Read more

“Brother Lynches and Tortures 12-year-old Sister in India’s Maharashtra State”

“Brother Lynches and Tortures 12-year-old Sister in India’s Maharashtra State”

A 12-year-old girl was lynched and tortured to death by her brother. (Schematic / Pexels) Family tragedy in India’s Maharashtra statefirst periodA 12-year-old girl was misunderstood by her 30-year-old brother as having sex outside, was lynched by her brother and died of severe burns. The local police have arrested the murderer brother and clarified the … Read more

How to Tell the Difference between Menstrual Blood and Blood in Early Pregnancy

How to Tell the Difference between Menstrual Blood and Blood in Early Pregnancy

Jakarta – During early pregnancy, many women experience bleeding. This naturally occurs around 10-14 days after sexual intercourse or after conception. However, many women are often confused with the discharge of these blood spots and think that the blood is menstrual or menstrual blood. In order not to be mistaken, consider the difference between normal … Read more

Menstruating girls feel tired due to excessive blood loss and hormone imbalances. Nutrient-rich foods are recommended.

Menstruating girls feel tired due to excessive blood loss and hormone imbalances. Nutrient-rich foods are recommended.

Why do girls feel particularly tired when they have menstrual cramps? Fatigue and drowsiness lead to decreased vitality and ineffective work. These are common symptoms during the menstrual period. The reasons are due to the excessive menstrual blood during menstruation and the imbalance of the hormone estrogen, which makes people sleepy. In this regard, nutritionist … Read more

Additional strategies for managing type 2 diabetes in females | Republika Online

Additional strategies for managing type 2 diabetes in females | Republika Online

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — For female patients, diabetes can affect many aspects of health, starting from sexual and reproductive health, kidney disease, and nerve problems. Making efforts to control it is important, because the case diabetes has increased in all age groups and sexes. Diabetes can reduce libido and a woman’s ability to enjoy intimacy. They … Read more

Taking a pregnancy test in the evening: is that possible?

Taking a pregnancy test in the evening: is that possible?

How accurate is an evening pregnancy test? Foto: gpointstudio/Shutterstock One often reads the recommendation to carry out pregnancy tests in the morning. But why is that? And is it also possible to take the test during the day or in the evening? We have summarized all information. Share this article Pregnancy tests measure the Concentration … Read more