The “doctors” refer 5 leaders of “Health” to the union’s investigation committee

Subscribe to receive the most important news – – The Doctors ’Union Council decided to refer 5 doctors from the administrative leaderships in the Directorate of Health Affairs in Menia and the Ministry of Health to the investigation committee, against the background of the accident, which caused the death of 3 female doctors and the … Read more

Among them is Assistant Secretary .. “Doctors” refer 5 health leaders for investigation

01:44 PM Saturday 18 January 2020 – Books- Ahmad Juma:On Saturday, the Doctors ’Union Council decided to refer 5 doctors from the administrative leaderships in the Directorate of Health Affairs in Menia and the Ministry to the investigation committee, against the background of the accident that killed 3 doctors and injured 12 others.On Friday, the … Read more

After “the uterus exploded” .. the husband of one of the “doctors of Minya”: “I will bury my son who will not see anyone else”

Subscribe to receive the most important news – – Don Sameh Michael, the husband of Dr. Ruth, who was injured in the Minya doctors accident, via Facebook after burying her young son. “Sameh” said through his account: “I will bury my son who does not see my eyes, and whoever I will never see again, … Read more

Health forms a medical team to provide psychological and moral support to Minya doctors

Dr. Hala Zayed, Minister of Health and Population, confirmed her continuous follow-up of the health status of the victims of the Desert Cream Road accident that occurred yesterday, Wednesday, and a number of Minya governorate doctors were traveling to Cairo, through a team of Ministry leaders who is constantly present at the Nasser Institute Hospital, … Read more

A team of “mental health” to provide support to female doctors who were injured in the Minya accident

Subscribe to receive the most important news – – The psychological support team at the General Secretariat of Mental Health and Addiction Treatment at the Ministry of Health and Population went on Thursday to visit the cases of the women doctors of the Minya accident on the desert road in creams, in order to check … Read more

A pilgrimage trip for “Christianity” .. How did “Health” deal with the “Menia Doctors” accident?

Subscribe to receive the most important news – – Inside a coffin decorated with flowers, the body of Samah Nabil Al-Raqiq, a young doctor who graduated from Minya’s medicine 2017, dreamed of dreaming, like the rest of her colleagues, with a better future, but the arbitrary administrative orders issued by Health Directorate doctors did not … Read more

Minya Health: We do not have deaths … and female doctors microbes from Samal

05:04 PM Wednesday 15 January 2020 – Minya – Muhammad al-Nadi: An official of the Minya Health Department denied that the injured or dead died among the doctors or nurses of the administration, who were headed this morning to Cairo, to attend the training of the breast cancer campaign. “The official” said in statements to … Read more

Make 3 decisions .. The first comment from the Minister of Health on the accident, “Doctors of Women

10:19 PM Wednesday 15 January 2020 – Books – Ahmed Jumaa:On Wednesday evening, the Ministry of Health and Population issued a statement commenting on the death of two female doctors and the injury of 17 other female doctors, as a result of the traffic accident that occurred this morning, for a microbus transporting female doctors … Read more