Maes Presents Booba with an Octagon!

Maes Presents Booba with an Octagon!

Maes and Booba in a ring? They will have to come to an agreement. Booba and Maes could move up a gear in their clash. If for the moment, they attack each other on the networks, it could become more concrete. The rapper from Sevran offers an octagon! New episode in the series Le Duc … Read more

Heath Thorpe: A Gymnast and Role Model for Homosexual Representation in Sports

Heath Thorpe: A Gymnast and Role Model for Homosexual Representation in Sports

“I played around in training, tried different jumps. We had quite a lot of time to train during the pandemic because we couldn’t travel to any competitions. I’ve started incorporating them into my practice. It was clear that at some point I would submit a gymnastic jump as a new element. It was rejected. But … Read more

Focus in Mönchengladbach: “I have to wash away excrement, urine or blood twice a week”

Focus in Mönchengladbach: “I have to wash away excrement, urine or blood twice a week”

Moenchengladbach · Frank Diederichs lives on Sittardplatz near Mönchengladbach’s main train station. He complains that he keeps coming into conflict with drug users. How the city and the police assess the situation. Er ffönte edi Trü reneis hngunWo ndu bitett imt eerni ladneiednen tseeG ii.nenh sE its ennegmh ma,rw im esnret otSck ünechkmsc leta bHzlöeoml … Read more

Executing a death sentence for a citizen for joining a terrorist cell, killing security men, and throwing maltof bombs at the cars of the security authorities in Sharkia

Executing a death sentence for a citizen for joining a terrorist cell, killing security men, and throwing maltof bombs at the cars of the security authorities in Sharkia

Al-Marsad Newspaper – SPA: Today, the Ministry of the Interior issued a statement regarding the implementation of the death penalty for one of the offenders in the Eastern Province, and the following is its text: قال الله تعالى (إِنَّمَا جَزَاءُ الَّذِينَ يُحَارِبُون اللَّهَ وَرَسُولَهٌ وَيَسْعَوْن فِي الأَرْضِ فَسَادًا أَنْ يُقتَّلُوا أَوْ يُصَلَّبُوا أَوْ تُقطَّعَ أَيْدِيهِمْ … Read more

Kayna Samet’s betrayal does not pass

Kayna Samet’s betrayal does not pass

The Duca turned on the singer as well as Sinik and Diam’s. Booba has always held a grudge and it hasn’t calmed down in recent years. He who often spoke of loyalty in his sounds ended up falling out with almost all the artists he worked with over the past twenty years. One of the … Read more

Hamza continues to panic the counters with “Sincerely”

Hamza continues to panic the counters with “Sincerely”

Hamza is number one everywhere with “Sincerely”! The Hamza phenomenon, because that is what it is, does not seem ready to stop. His sales figures were so strong that even Booba allowed himself to reflect on the Belgian rapper. Obviously, this one doesn’t give a damn and his album continues to be a hit as … Read more

Offenbacher Theaterclub Elmar presents “Die

Offenbacher Theaterclub Elmar presents “Die

cultural The turbulent comedy plays on 18./19. March in the Willy-Brandt-Halle Mühlheim by Karl-Heinz Stier (27.02.2023) Three men, one destiny: all were married to the same woman and never want to marry again… until a matchmaker shows up with three daughters in her luggage. The spa doctor Wendeborn, the music scholar Laurentius and the embassy … Read more

It’s Not About Water, NTT Regional Police Reveals Triggers Mabar Police Chief Abuses His Men

It’s Not About Water, NTT Regional Police Reveals Triggers Mabar Police Chief Abuses His Men

Friday, 27 January 2023 – 00:04 WIB VIVA National – Head of Public Relations Polda East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), Kombes Ariasandy straightened out the news Chief of Police West Manggarai, AKBP Felli Hermanto who allegedly abused his subordinates. According to him, the water problem that was reported as the trigger was not true. “It’s not … Read more

Shock scene at the Handball World Cup: There was even blood! US boy bites opponents

Shock scene at the Handball World Cup: There was even blood!  US boy bites opponents

There was a scandal at the Handball World Championship on Thursday evening. The German-American Paul Skorupa bit an opponent bloody in the main round game USA against Bahrain. He must now reckon with these consequences. The Handball World Championship is in full swing. On Thursday, Germany celebrated a clear 39:19 victory against Argentina without a … Read more